
safrani non

computer officedriver medium vehiclesafety basic

My name is safrani, live in tarakan city-borneo island-indonesia. birth at saturday,18 july 1980. Now i’m a fireman co-ordinator at village region inside department of firefighter & rescue at city/teritory Pemkot Tarakan- Province Kaltara- Indonesia.
having 7 years work experience within firefighter & rescue department, and have experience a basic vertical rescue training too.
have a experience to operating fire vehicle with 6 tyres and portable fire engine station.
have 8 years experience a administration in region goverment office  before i join to firefighter department.
besides, I am really motivated to learn something new how to do, and improve my skill and experience, such as IT technologies (web programming, app developers, networking, and internet security). (doing by short course and self practicing as well).

I like doing work at outside area too, because I was plan to follow training as a heavy vehicle operator ( forklift and excavator ).


2010-2015 graduate at borneo tarakan university

my study concern is economic development


2002-2007 public service officer at local goverment

as a administration & service officer

2007-2011 database administration at dictrict public office

my work is collect the data about poor family and goverment assets in my district

2011-2018 fireman at firefighter department

my work is collect the data about work area which must we cover with standart operation procedure respond time and i organizing our fireman to do they work.