Currently employed as Accounting & Finance Head.
I oversee ang manages over-all operations of Accounting and Finance Dept. which consist of sub-departments: Accounting, Billing ang Collection, Purchasing and Warehouse Dept.
As for the Accounting, I manages ang supervises proper recording of transactions in the accounting system, as well as in books, ledgers and journals. Likewise, oversee the preparation of bill entries or accounts payable vouchers and then check vouchers. Scheduling of release of payments to suppliers based by maximising the terms of payment as well taking close monitoring of cash on hand ang in bank and the expected cash in-flows and out-flows.
Also monitors, compliance to mandatory obligations to government regulatory bodies like taxes and business licenses, payments of mandatory employees benefits like social insurance, healh insurance, etc.
As for the collection and billing Dept. I supervises and monitor proper invoicing and billing to clients. Ensures timely billing based on project progress and completion reports in order to match collection against cost over a given period. Likewise, monitors receivables for overdue accounts a devises measures to ensure collection. Prepare cash in-flows ad out-flows projections based on these datas from both billing and collection and discuss and report these projections to top management.
For the Purchasing Dept., I oversee and audit if proper procurement procedures have been observed like like requisitions of materials, canvassing and quotation from suppliers, proper preparations of pirchase orders.
For the warehouse and Logistics Dept., I oversee and periodically conduct audit of inventories matching receiving reports and issuances. As well as audit of warehouse controls to minimize occurances of thefts and pilferage. The inventory data will be match with the purchasing dept data for scheduling of stocks re-orders.
Given these, i am confident that I am qualified to apply as accountant and finance and accounting management positions.