I’m Amie G. Cruz 40 years old,legally age from Philippines. I’m working here in Riyadh City KSA since 2006. I’m working for 9 years in my previous Hospital at King Fahad Medical City as Respiratory Therapy Assistant. My recent job is Respiratory Therapy Technician 2 since year of 2015 up to now at King Abdullah bin abdulaziz Universiy Hospital ( Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University). My Duties and Responsiblities: To Instruct and perform the bronchial hygiene and CPT. To deliver inhalation on COPD patients with difficulty of breathing. Administering therapeutic gases and aerosolized medication. To instruct lung expansion therapy and breathing exercise on pre-op and post-op patient. To determine SpO2 of patient with DOB. Perform suctioning on tracheostomy patient post nebulization. Performed ABG puncture and interpretation. Performing all documentations, as required by the Department standard policy. Providing patient and family education according to patient status and needs.