
Norbert Opaque Abarra H.E mechanic

Farming and construction laborer
  1. Philippine rabbit bus line     1999 to 2002
  2. Ccc qatar 2005 to 2008
  3. Saudi oger 2009 to 2010
  4. Ccc abudabhi 2011 to 2012
  5. Al mabani general trading company 2014 to 2016
  6. Twin trading company sept 21,2018 up to present


1998 to 1999 Auto mechanic at Paniqui intitute of technology


2005 06 27to 2008 09 27 H.E. mechanic at Ccc qatar
June 26 2009 to sept.27 2010 Mechanic at Saudi oger


2011 to 2012 Charge hand mechanic at Ccc abudabhi


2014 june 25 to 2016 june 25 H.E. mechanic at Al mabani saudi

Finish contract

2018 sept.21 up to present H.E. mechanic at Twin trading company