Have more than 7 years in shop of International Video Game Company, and 5 years of Pc Smart Computer Shop with technical support for repairing, installation, troubleshooting and repairing Laptop/Desktop computers and related hardware peripherals, Also recently I got more than two years from United Electronics Co. (eXtra) for Smart Products Technician and for Technical and I.T support.
Proficient in assembling, upgrading and repairing Laptop hardware compatible personal computer with ability of interfacing with any hardware peripherals such as sound, video, power and any related problem etch. And also have a little experience in network cable installation, configuration and connectivity in LAN/WAN,
Can provide technical assistance and instructs the experienced end users in configuring desktop computers, setting of operating system, installation of commercially available software, and as well as Internet connectivity and operations.
Can provide a good relation and assistance through costumer and any responsibility.
Graduated for Vocational Course
All time Support
All time Support