
Lilibeth Fabula Petronio Farm worker

About computerjanitress
  1. Name:lilibeth Fabula  Petronio
  2. Date of birth:July 8,1985
  3. Place  of birth:Villareal  w. Samar
  4. Age:33
  5. Civil  status:single
  6. Gender:Female
  7. Height: 5’1
  8. Weight:110 lbs
  9. Religion:Roman Catholic
  10. Nationality:Filipino
  11. Father’s name:Metudio  petronio
  12. Occupation:Farmer
  13. Mothers name:Maria  petronio
  14. Occupation:Housewife
  15. Their Address:Sitio lusong  brgy.canmucat. villareal  western  samar
  16. Their7 contact no:09309995573
  17. Dialect’s/ Language  Spoken:waray-waray,Tagalog, English


2002-2003 Graduate at Villareal national high school

I’m graduating in high school

2004-2005 College level at Samar state University

I’m only college level .


June 2006-oct.2006 Fronliner at Peter gulayan

I’m finishing my contract.

2005-2006 Cashier at Wilson uy

Finish my contract.

2009-2010 Janitress at Al deluta

Finish my contract.