Rocell Nicdao
Birthdate: DEC 04 1998
Place of birth: madapdap mabalacat city pampanga
Cellphone #: 09073621486
Name of mother: maricris nicdao
Name of father: roberto nicdao
Height: 5’2
Weight: 60
School background
1. Tinajero elementary school (2009-2010)
2. Tinajero high school (main) (2014-2015)
3.montesorri professional college of Asia (2016-2017)
Vocational: computer, electronics
Job exprience
Pizza hut service crew
On the job training
Prime Asia hotel
Incase of emergency: maricris nicdao
Contact no. : 09994767572
Relation ; mother
Character reference: Jose javier taruc
Contact no. 09975975958