
Cesar Ramirez Heavy equipment operator

Farm worker

       cesar ramirez                

Heavy equiptment operator/farm worker

Always follow the rules and regulation for safety procedure and maintain the equiptment usable at any time to obtain the good production of the company goal.


June 1988 Driver michanic at Cagayan valley automotive school



2000-2008 Loader operator at Aljoaib company saudi arabia

All around job

2010, to 2014 Trailer driver at Billy rigth afghanistan

Pic up materias from the airport and deliver to the respective site

2007, to 2010 Trailer driver at Anham company iraq

Picup nessesary goods suply from the airport and dop the small base in the city

1999, to 2009 Bachue operator at Khalid altuayan k.s.a.

Operating the bachue for the costomer in there farm leveling.