dr tariq obs gyn family emergency specialist.presently working as family emergency specialist in gulf ksa …a multispeciality multidisciplinary doctorwirh postgraduatequalifications memberships mcps of cpsp mcps fm mcps obg.spouse gp gyncoligist. threw children all doctors id [email protected] intersted for immigration
mcps fm mcps obg …also completed 5 years residency in MDmedicine Fellowship fcpsMS obg and appeared in final fellowship Masters MS obg examination selected for jobs in uk ireland did aclinical attachment in Uk Gmc UK…accepted for limited registeration as sho sprobg in 2001 .passed saudi council specialist examination in obg fm .a teacher trainer tutor in family obg emergency medicine id [email protected] dr tariq
alzo completed 5 years residency in MD medicine Fellowship fcpsMS obg and apoearwd in final fellowship Masters MS obgexaminations was partially unsucessful in thesis reappearing…spouse gp gyncoligist .three children all medics doctors intersted for immigration
family emergency obs gyn specialist pass3d sausi council specialist examination in fm obg
family emergency obs gyn specialist pass3d saudicouncil specialist in fm obg