
Von Jovy Magtoto cook,sales associate

philippines von jovy magtoto
cook.automotive sales

i am cookery tesda certificate nc2

bread and pastry tesda certificate nc2

automotive tesda certificate nc1 and nc2c


october to november 2019 tesda certificate nc2 cookery at information technology center


october to november 2019 bread and pastry certificate nc2 at information technology center


july 2015 to december 2015 automotive mechanic nc1 and nc2 certificate at pampanga manpower training center


june 2011 april 2012 BS HOTEL AND RESTAURANT MANAGER at city college of sanfernando pampanga



august 2012 to june2013 upholstery at las palmas furniture

furniture upholstery

july 2013 to december 2013 packaging department at pampangas best inc.

packaging and cleanliness of the area

january 2016 to june 2016 automotive mechanic and technician at qsj motors

position (pre delivery inspection)

june2016 to january 2019 sales associate/lead stockman at maguire group of compony

3 years in sales

march 2019 to present cook at krusty crab restaurant

cook and baker