


http://CURRICULUM VITAE Bhuwan Raj Chataut Personal Information Name Bhuwan Raj Chataut Permanent Address Bheemdatt Municipality -7 Haldukhal, Kanchanpur, Nepal Country Nepal Nationality Nepali Date of Birth 08/09/1980 A.D. (B.S. 2037/05/23) Citizenship No. 57800847, Kanchanpur, Nepal Passport No. 05613798 (MOFA, Issue date :24 July 2011, Expire date: 23 July 2021) Marital status Married Sex Male Father’s Name Mr. Tara Datt Chataut Mother’s Name Mrs. Kausila Devi Chataut E-mail Address [email protected], [email protected] Contact Telephone 0977-9848721099(Mob) , 9848766702 (Home) Academic Qualification Details: Degree Board /University Subjects Passed Year M.A. T .U. Economics 2008 B.A. T.U. Mathematics, Economics, English 2003 B.Ed. One year T.U. Mathematics, Psychology, Curriculum & Evaluation. 2005 L.L.B. T.U. International institution & Human rights, Constitutional Law, Criminal law,Child Rights & Juvenile Law,Gender and Inclusive Justic,Administrative law,Company and Corporation Law 2018 I.A. T.U. Mathematics, Economics, English 1999 S.L.C. S.L.C. Board Mathematics,Science, English Health, 1996 Computer Training Name of Training’s Institution Course Time Start Year End Year Basic Computer Trainings KENT COMPUSOFT Three Month 2004-07-16 2004-10-26 Computer Software & Hardware CTEVT/KCCI/Ilam Prashikshan Six month 2005-10-12 2006-04-09 Office Accounting Package, Data programme & Analysis,SPSS etc HITECH & KENT Kanchanpur Three Month 2006, and 2014 Three months Engagements: S.N. Position Organization Start End 1 Life Member Nepal Red Cross Society Jan.,2014 Life time 2 Advisor Nepal Children’s Organization 2011 Till Date 3 Advisor Rural women’s Development and unity Centre 2016 Till Date 4 Advisor Nepal Human Rights & Development Organization 2013 Till date 5 Life Member/ Board Member Community Police Service Centre, Kanchanpur 2012 6 Advisor District Child Club Network, Province no.7 2006 7 Advisor Community Development Nepal 2015 Career Summary: S.N. Position Organization Start from End 1 District Programme Officer (DPO) Ministry of Women ,Children and Social welfare,Central Child Welfare Board, Women And Children Office /District Child Welfare Board Kanchanpur 2006/05/21 2008/12/30 2 District Officer (Child Rights Officer-CRO) Ministry of Women ,Children and Social welfare,Central Child Welfare Board, Women And Children Office /District Child Welfare Board Kanchanpur 2009/01/01 2016/01/31 3 Project Officer(PO)/CRO Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction, MWCSW, Nepal Peace Fund-CCWB/DCWB/WCO Kanchanpur 2016/01/01 July 2016 4 Provincial Officer -(Child Rights Resource Person-CRRP) MOWCSC/CCWB/ UNICEF/ /Ministry of Social Development province ( Sudurpashim Province) 2016 July 2019 July Responsibility : • Responsible in implementation and preparing the overall work plan of Organization at Local/district and province level. • Responsible for overall administration and management work . • Responsible for Situation analysis, need identification, activity planning, sub sector analysis. Input arrangements and technical support. • Responsible to organize the orientation programs, training, facilitation, interaction activities, campaigns and awareness programs of Human rights, women rights & gender, GESI,Child Rights, Rights of Disable Person,social mobilization & social development based on ICCPR, ICRESC, UNHCR, CRC, CEWDAW, CRPD, SDGs and related UN/SAARC and other international Conventation . • Responsible in planning the budget and activities of program based on gender issues same as in implementation and monitoring. • Responsible in developing linkage and co-ordination with Government Line Agencies, Local Child Protection Agencies , NGOs/ INGOs and CBOs/Schools at Local/ District / province and Centre level to implement programme activities jointly based on Child Protection /Development, social mobilization and program for vulnerable, disabled and sex workers. • Responsible in designing, developing and facilitating participatory planning workshop. • Responsible in facilities management, including contracting, procurement, security, health and safety. • Responsible in designing, facilitating and conducting base line survey with other staff and members and CBOs/GOs/NGOs/INGOs/UN agencies. • Undertake regular monitoring and evaluation of all program components and compile and prepare reports. • Follow up workshops and interaction to address Human Right, Women Right, Child Right and Child Protection and social inclusion issues with local level, media personnel and other stakeholders. • Supports on prepare a brief social diversity analysis report including gender, child protection & participation, caste and ethnicity, food security, water sanitation, reproductive health, particularly focused on the program at LCRCs. • Provide emergencies humanitarian support to vulnerable children,women,Disable person also referral to service providers , rehabilitation center and family/community/Child home. Play an important role to release the budget from local level to support vulnerable children, • Support rights-based programmes approach on formulation of programme goals and objectives and development of strategies and implementation frameworks, including monitoring of resource allocation and expenditure from local levels. Programme and budget agreement with GOs/NGOs/INGOs based on major issues, policy of local level and implementation of same. • Coordination, Collaboration & Regular meeting among District Judge, Juvenile Justice coordination Committee (District Court), District Administration Office, District Police Office, Education development ans coordination unite, District public health office, District Coordination Committee, Child Homes, , Child club, social worker, Child Rights activists, Laywers, School,Teachers, Students, Parents and care taker of Children’s, LCRC,Local government,NGOs/INGOs/UNICEF for promoting Rights of Children’s, reducing violence against children’s and better implementation of Child related activities/programme on integrate and cross cutting issue of children’s at local and province level. • Play key role on child protection issue on DDRC, as focal person of child protection cluster at district level. • Keeping Roster of Service providing agencies, capacity building of Go’s/NGOs and others stakeholders. Update Roster/Data of vulnerable children and socially excluded groups at district/Province level. • Monitoring the situation Child rights, organize media companion, promotion of good-governance and effective service delivery. • Increasing and strengthening to participation of local levels, NGOs, and community based organization in development activities and formation of LLCRC,CR Strategic,LOcal Level Child Protection Policy , Provice Level Child Rights Legislattaion, Province level Child Development and Child Protection Policy and action plans. • To manage office and mobilization of staffs. Prepare Monthly, Quarterly & annual financial report and Bank statement.Reporting Monthly, Quarterly & annual to Central office and stakeholders. • Strength capacity of local level on Case Management and CFLG Planning process. • To Manage the Office requirements, Storekeeping and supply of the requests.Keeping regular financial report, Bank statement, Release budget and expenditure update all of this. Responsible in financial planning, compliance, monitoring, reporting, accounting and audit. • Research on Child rights & child Friendly VDCs of different region of Nepal (Eastern –Morang district, Middle-Makawanpur district and Kanchanpur district of Far western region. • Experience in leading the case management capacity building training, • Understand the role and responsibility of different actors in juvenile justice system to protect the best interest of children in conflict with law. • CAAC (Children’s affected by armed conflict) Baseline survey/assessment, data collection, entry & analysis also mobilization of enumerators for this purpose at district. Provide Scholorship support/Family support to CAAC Children’s. • Evaluation of past plans and estimation of new plan. • To Manage the Office requirements, Storekeeping and supply of the requests.Keeping regular financial report, Bank statement, Release budget and expenditure update all of this. Responsible in financial planning, compliance, monitoring, reporting, accounting and audit. • Develop capacity of partner staff along with Programme Support Team members for designing integrated programmes and projects effectively. This may involve facilitating, coaching, mentoring and training relevant people with an ultimate goal of enabling them to do it by themselves. • Develop excellence of CCWB/MOSD programme and partner staff over outcome mapping and logical framework approaches and the skills to use them interchangeably as programme/design, implementation and monitoring tools for impact. • Keep up-to-date with global and national development priorities, particularly sustainable development goals, their indicators and targets and use them as broader framework of positioning GOs programmes and projects • Provide feedback as well as technical assistance to local and province lelvel on Human Rights,Child rights,women Rights Disable person rights and so on where necessary. • Coordinate regularly and timely with Finance section for matters related to funding, donors and reporting. • Coordinate with Programme Partner Team including Cluster Team Leaders for capacity building needs of the cluster staff and partners in relation to programme designing and reporting and arrange necessary support accordingly. • Building linkage and relation of community group with different organization to develop microfinance activities for improving their economic condition. • Coordinate and collaborate with other units of Programme Support Team for the synergy of capacity building, quality assurance and learning activities. • Coordinating the functions of Grant Management Unit. • Contribute to decisions in relation to development of project/programme proposals in clusters. • Contribute to capacity building decisions in relation to project design and proposal/report writing. • Supporting Programme Support Team Leader in relevant decisions related to the team. • Work closely with other functions of project Support Team such as the Technical Leads, Crosscutting Issues, Monitoring, evaluation, research and Learning. • Responsible on project design and management including participatory planning, budgeting, monitoring, reporting and developing proposals including participatory community assessment; • Experience of working in a cross-cultural setting. • Experence of working for emerging issue related to childrens like as : Child labour/Migration/trafficking • Build and maintain effective networks, good working relationships and communication within and outside of Local ,province and federal Government including with local NGOs, CBOs,UN, media, and local/provincial GOs and ensure their awareness of HR/ CR/WR/DPR . • To ensure timely periodical and annual planning, budgeting, monitoring & reporting within cluster • Operational and strategic decisions relating to the cluster, including overall responsibility for integrated outworking of various activities leading to community transformation • Responsible for leading development of Cluster-level strategy for Fullness of Life and integrated programme design process • Responsible for ensuring mainstreaming of CR cross-cutting issues in programmes. • Facilitation to Province government, Local Government , Patner organization to formation and preparation of law,policy,strategic and annual and midterm plan , coordination, collaboration , play bridge role between development org, federal, provincial and local govt., implementation, Monitoring and evaluation, reporting, facilitation ,organize meeting/ training, finance management, at province level Training: S. N. Name Of Training’s Organizer Place Start from Completed 1 Training on Administrattation/Office management ,Accounting, Proposal writing & Child Protection MOWCSW(Ministry of Wome, children and social welfare)/CCWB [Central Child Welfare Board] Kathmandu 20 august, 2006 24 august, 2006 2 Training on Child Friendly VDC planning process, facilitation skills, Data collection, analysis & report writing MOWCSW/CCWB & Plan Nepal International Makawanpur 2007-01-19 2007-01-23 3 Children in Armed Conflict: Region Workshop National Human Rights Commission Nepal Dadeldhura 2006-06-06 2006-06-08 4 Child Rights and Child Protection training MOWCSW/CCWB & Save the children Norway/ Sweden Jointly. Lalitpur 09 January, 2007 11 January, 2007 5 Training on Participatory Planning, Budgeting, Monitoring & Evaluation, implementation of programme. CCWB Lalitpur ,Staff Collage 20 November, 2007 24 November, 2007 6 Child Protection Training (vulnerable children’s and children’s effect by HIV/AIDS) DIJAN, Katmandu Katmandu 2008 Two Days 7 Constitution election training District Election Office Kanchanpur. Kanchanpur 2008-04-01 2008-04-02 8 Gender TOT Shtrii Shakati Katmandu Dhulikhel, 2008-02-25 2008-03-10 9 Gender TOT Women Development Office Kanchanpur Kanchanpur 2008-05-10 2008-05-15 10 TRANSTIONAL JUSTIC AND CHILDREN ADVOCACY FORUM Regional office, Kanchanpur Kanchanpur 8 February, 2011 9 February, 2011 11 Family planning and women rights training District Public Health Office, Kanchanpur Kanchanpur 26 Dec.,2011 27 Dec., 2011. 12 Training on HIV/AIDS DPHO/DACC Kanchanpur 13 District level Food Security Monitoring Training Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC) and WFP. Kanchanpur June 07, 2010 One day 14 Regional level workshop on “PROTECTION PERSONS AFFECTED BY NATURAL DISASTERS” UNFPA and ORECA kathmandu. ,Dadeldhura 17 April, 2012 19 April, 2012 15 TOT on Child friendly VDC/Municipality” Establishment (CFLG) (Baseline, Data collection, Analysis,SPSS,CSPRO,Planning ,implementation and report writing) MOWCSW/CCWB Makawanpur Phakel,Pokhara Kaski,Dang,Parwat and Kathmandu. Per year 5-7 days from 2006 to 2012 Per year 5-7 days from 2006 to 2012 16 Gender equality and people’s participation at Local development planning and implementation District Development Committee Kanchanpur Kanchanpur , District 9 Dec., 2012 11 Dec., 2012 17 Child Protection & Promotion “MODULE 1″trainning MOWCSW/CCWB , Unicef,World Vision,Save the children,TDH,Plan International ,World Education. Lalitpur 22 December 2012 28 Dec., 2012 18 Case Management Training MOWCSW/CCWB Dhulikhel 2014-09- 21 2014 -09- 25 19 Training on Law Enforcement Agencies on Gender Based Violence /GESI National Judicial Acadamic, Lalitpur 2 April ,2013 3 April, 2013 20 Training on Senior Citizens(Old Age) Management Ministry of women, children’s and social welfare Mahendranagar 2012-03-12 2012-03-14 21 TOT on Improved Nutrition on Maternal, Infant and childhood ,Communication and Social behavior Change USAID/SUAAHARA/MOHP/Child Health Division/ Mahendranagar 2015-04-23 2015-04-28 22 Master Trainer (TOT) on Disaster Response planning and implementation DDRC/EU/CARE NEPAL/HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL Kailali ,Dhangadi 2015/07/20 2015/07/27 23 Child Rights, CR based local level planning process, Case management , Resource management ToT MOWCSW/CCWB Kathamandu 2016/07/16 2016/07/20 Skills, Attitude and Behaviour : • A good coach and a mentor, eager to build the capacity of others. • Good facilitation, assessment and analytical skills. • Ability to research and review literatures extensively • Good office Administratation/Management skill,computer skills with email, internet, excel, word, and PowerPoint as a minimum. • Able to work accurately with budgets. • Highly organised, reliable, attentive to details and ability to work independently. • Excellent technical writing skills in English. • Good persuading and influencing skill, able to enthuse others. • Social skills to build effective working relationships with a broad range of people. • Good understanding of relevant acts, laws and policies at all government levels ( Federal,Provincial and Local Level),UN /SAARC and International conventions (ICCPR, ICRESC,UNHCR,CRC,CEWDAW,CRPD,SDGs and so on) • Leadership skills, learning attitude, self-motivated to keep updated on development trends • Strategy development skills • Ability to oversee complex, integrated multi-donor programming • Coaching and mentoring skills • Critical thinking and logical analysis • Effective written and verbal communication in English and Nepali; • Conflict resolution skills • Good interpersonal and inter-cultural skills • Willingness and ability to travel frequently • Ability to work under pressure • Knowledge about local culture and language • Skill on rapport building and working in a multi-cultural team • Planning and organisation skills • Respect for gender and cultural diversity • Excellent in preparing of plan, strategies, activities and implementation and monitoring of the same. • Excellent in micro enterprises creation at community level. • Excellent understanding of issues of gender, caste, class and other social discriminatory issues Social mobilization and inclusion process, • Excellent Skill in Preparing training Package, organization and managing the training. • Good knowledge on Human Rights/women Rights and Child Rights,Rights of Disable Person, UN policies and strategy to address international humanitarian issues and the responses. • Excellent in Coordination, monitoring of program progress on regular basis. • Excellent communication at Meeting, Workshops, networking, intern-personal communication and facilitation, Conducting Participatory Training and social justice for Sustainable Development and Community Empowerment.. • Good leadership skills among with ability to build up linkage will be sought for, facilitation skills, documentation and reporting skills. • Good knowledge and technical experience on demand and supply chain management, filling and documentation. • Knowledge of financial planning, compliance, monitoring, reporting, accounting and audit. • Knowledge of IT systems and sufficient IT skills to create and manipulate spreadsheets to facilitate effective financial planning, monitoring and reporting. • Provide opportunities for women, farmers to achieve some degree of economic independence, • Train man/women groups/youth in entrepreneurial and operational skills, and identify the specific training needs of different categories of women (depending on ecological region, ethnic community, and economic status) • Excellent in formulation of periodic village/municipality development plan,CFLG strategic plan, district child protection policy, annual and long term plan and policies, Five year strategic plan of children of district with the strong coordination of district stakeholders. • Excellent in assessment, form designing, data collection, mobilazitation of enumerators, data entry and analysis of data with suitable programme of MS word/excel/access/ and SPSS, CSPRO etc. • Excellent in analysis social economic situation of country also analysis with foreign aid and economic development of Nepal. • Excellent in formation of different group, raising microfinance activities, income generating programme and upgrade community group to co-operative at urban and community level. Skills: S.N. Language Level ( written & spoken) Excellent Very good good 1 English Excellent 2 Nepali Excellent 3 Hindi Excellent 4 Doteli, Bajhangee & Tharu Excellent Computer Skill: 1 MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, E-mail& Internet Excellent 2 Basic Window, Computer Software & Hardware Excellent 3 Data input, Data analysis, SPSS, CSPRO & other programme related to Data Base Excellent 4 Office Account programme & other special programme of office package Excellent Driving Skill: 1 Motorbike,Car Licence Holder Excellent Research and Publicatiom: S.N. Research and Publication: Publication Year 1 Role of Foreign aid in the Economic development of Nepal (Research Book-I) 2010 2 Child Friendly VDC five year action plan 2007 2007 3 District sates reports of Children 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 & 2013/2014 continuously. 4 Mid-terms review and research of child friendly VDCS (punished by CCWB-2011) 2011 5 National Sates Reports of Children’s Nepal 2012 2012 6 Three year strategic plan of CFVDC Dodhara 2013-2015 B.S. ( Approved from VDC council 2013) 2013 7 Five year strategic plan of children of kanchanpur ,2014-2019 Approved from DDC council 2014 2014 8 Child Participation policy (Approved from DDC council 2011) 2011 9 CHILD RIGHTS Resource Book 2017 10 Human Rights/Child Rights/Social economics development related articles in Newspaper different times 11 District Child protection policy, District service /Resource Mapping 2015 12 Role of Foreign aid in the Economic Development of Nepal (Research Book-II) On Progress 13 MICRO & MACRO ECONOMICS for BBA/BBS On Progress 14 Child Rights Resource Book 2017,2018 15 Children’s Act,Child Protection Policy/Child Participation policy/Guideline model for Local Level.Facilitation to province ministry,Different Municipality and Rular municipality to formation of province and local Local Level policy, guideline,strategic plan related to women and childrens 2016,2018 ,2019 Policy and Strategic : Policies/Strategic formation facilitation at Federal/ Provincial/Local Level (Policy and Legal Facilitator) : Prepare provincial level CR & CP legislation policy and Strategic-Ministry of Social development 2018,2019 .Local level CR/CP police formation with colaboration of UNICEF/WVIN/Good Neighbour International/Mercy Crop Nepal/Plan Internationla ,2006 to 2019 at different Rular Municipalilt and Municipality Level. Capacity Building training facilitation -With Cooperation of UNICEF/WVIN/GNI/MERCY CROP/PNGOs/GOs 2006 to 2019 at Local,District and Province Level of Sudurpaschim Province. Training and policy facilitator-with funding and coordination of UNICEF/WVIN/GNI/GOs/Local levels/CCWB/MOSD-Sudurpaschim Province 2018, 2019 Sponsership to Child -With coordination of GOs/UNICEF/PLAN NEPAL 2006 to 2019 CFLG Strategic formation with Coordination and colleboration of Local Level/NGOs/INGOs/UNICEF at Dodhara, Laljhadi Rular Municipality, Punarbas Municipality. of Kanchanpur distrct, Phakel Makawanpur and Parwat District. Child Labour Master Plan/Strategic Plan – Kanchanpur Distcict 2012 , Dhangadi Submetro politican City,Kailali, 2019 ,Dipayal Silgadi Municipality,Doti District ,2019. Child Protection Police formation : Kanchanpur district 2009 , Dipayal Silgadi Municipality Doti-2019 BithadChir Rular Municipality -Bajhang 2019 Child Protection Committee/Local Level Child Rights committee formation : Different local levels/Local Bodies 2006 to 2019 Dhnagadi Submetro politican City Kailali 2019, Lalajhadi Rular Municipality, 2019 Punarwas Rular Municipality, Kanchanpur 2013, Bithad Chir Rular Municipality ,Bajhang 2019. Dipayal Silgadi Municipality Doti. Case Management Training : Facilitate case management capacity building training at Kanchanpur,Dadeldhura, Bithadchir Bajhang, Ghodaghodi Kailali, 2015 , 2016,2018,2019. with support of UNICEF/CCWB/WVIN and Local Government. Strategic Plan Against Child Marriage : Kanchanpur/Kailali/Bake District, Dipaya Silgadi Municipality ward no. 8 , with coordination of CDC/GNI 2018/2019. References: S. N. Name Organization/ Address Designation Phone E-mail 1 Mr. Ram Prasad Gautam UNICEF Nepal Child Protection Officer 0977-9858085506 [email protected] 2 Mr. Ratnakaji Bajracharya Ministry of women children’s and Social welfare , Former Joint Secretary -Nepal Government 0977-9851104175 [email protected] 3. Dr. Rajendra Gautam 3 Angels Nepal CEO 0977-9856028698 [email protected]


2006/2008 MA at Trivhuwan University


2014/2018 LLB at TU



2006/2019 officer at Ministry of Women children and Social welfare Nepal