
Teisha Palmer Help Wanted


Teisha G. Palmer B.Ed (Hons)

2 Fulmar Way, Ensom City, Spanish Town, P.O. St. Catherine, Tel: (876) 318-1453 / 796-8201 [email protected]



Records Management     Library Reference Services       Research Methods              Digital Media

Library Management      Cataloguing & Classification    Information Technology     Database Mgt.



B. Ed (Hons):  Library & Information Studies (minor in Information Technology)

The Mico University College: Trained Teacher:  Specialized in Secondary Ed.    2012-2018


Certificate:     Customer Service Supervision Level III (pending)

Garmex Heart Academy                                                                                   2019


Certificate:      Library Technical Education

Excelsior Community College                                                                                              2009 -2010


Certificate:      Early Childhood Education

HEART Trust NTA Levels 1 & 2                                                                                                 2007-2009

Assistant Librarian –    Simon Bolivar Cultural Centre: Division of the Institute of Jamaica

(An agency of the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment & Sport)                June 2016  –   Present

–         Checked in, checked out and renewed library materials
–         Received and processed new acquisitions for the library
–         Located requested books on the shelves and in the library database
–         Located print and online materials for students completing research projects
–         Researched, planned and set up informative exhibits
–         Increase the library’s collection
–         Coordinate library sessions with students of the Simon Bolivar Cultural Centre

Teacher Librarian   –  Jonathan Grant High School   (Ministry of Ed.)               Jan. – April 2017

Library Assistant     –    Natural History Dept.  –   Institute of Jamaica              March  2011 –  2016


Acting Librarian    –    Natural History Dept.   Institute of Jamaica                         July – Sept. 2015


Exhibition Gallery Officer   –   Natural History Dept. Institute of Jamaica           May – June 2014


Teachers’ Assistant –  Ardenne Extension Prep & Extension High Sch.      Sept 2007 – July 2009



·        Institute of Jamaica: Outstanding Job Performance   –          2013 / 2014  &   2014/2015

·        Institute of Jamaica:  Staff Welfare Representative                                                    (2 years)

·        Mico University College: Certificate of Excellence –  Outstanding Performance in the      Teaching of Library & Information Studies

·        Certificate of Participation for participating in the DLIS Summer Institute 2019 at UWI

·        Certificate of Completion of One Year Beginners Spanish Course- Sept, 2018-June, 2019


Teisha G. Palmer

Telephone: (876) 318-1453/796-8201- [email protected]


Microsoft Word                                                    Web Page Design
Microsoft PowerPoint                                          Social Media
·         MS Excel                                                              Data Base Management

Mrs. Sophia Watson –White                           Miss Dionne Smith

Lecturer                                                           HOD Library and Information and Studies

GC Foster College                                          The Mico University College

Spanish Town                                                 1 Marescaux Road

St. Catherine                                                   Kingston

Tel: 876-867-0187                                           Tel: 876-443-4359