
Emerson Ramos E.g

Brazil, santa catarina
Good in to teach childrem..yes i love them

29 years old
actualy i work as an english teacher in my city, despite i’m that i have to improve my english because i have severerals doubts and words and expressions to learn, but i have a strong team spirit, a have a great willing to live in better place, with better opportunities to work and receive a good and fair wage… i have worked before as marcial arts instructor in some institutions over here, o worked as finalcial assistent and cashier selling trips by bus into a guichê. But my last job before this one was security-man in a bank. I worked in some companies as security.choose and i will do the best of me. Thanks.
With my regards


Dont remember I dont finish it.. 1 year of fisics education at Uniasselve