
Zobjes Lares Mechanical Engineer


Zobjes Lares Palacios
Mechanical engineer
Basic data
E-mail [email protected]
Identification document CI V-12174076
Sex Female
Civil status Single
room address Urb. Villas del Centro, calle Araguaney, Casa 03-14B. San Joaquín. Edo. Carabobo, Venezuela
(58-412) 7824059 / (58-412) 8929929 / (58-412) 7728367
Applied studies
Career Institute year end
Msc Maintenance Management UNEFA 2011
Teacher Training Diploma UNEFA 2008
Mechanical Engineering Central University of Venezuela 2007
Course name Institute country Year Hours
Diploma LReal EADERSHIP:
lead from the experience
Pontifical university
Catolica de Chile
Chile 2014 40
Diploma Strategy:
Rather than compete, innovate
Pontifical university
Catolica de Chile
Chile 2014 40
Diploma Assessment Decisions
Pontifical university
Catolica de Chile
Chile 2013 40
Leadership and organizational culture Invepal, SA Venezuela 2012 32
Documentation Management System of the
Organization based on the process
approach (ISO / TR 10013: 2002)
Isamar Yépez Venezuela 2012 24
Maintenance management – Management
Project – Centered Maintenance
MyS Associates Venezuela 2009 30
Automation and Control AVTCP Venezuela 2008 16
ISO 9000 Quality Standards Intevep Venezuela 1997 16
Work experience
Company Ajeven, CA
Phone (058-241) 6130100 Ext. 6219
Supervisor Ing. Wilmen Marin
Last position held: Maintenance Superintendent
Functions and responsibilities Planning, directing and controlling the execution of preventive and corrective
maintenance of equipment and machinery production area maintenance, along
the lines of manufacturing management, ensuring reliability, availability,
maintenance and security of the same. Planning, monitoring and evaluation of
projects annual investment (CAPEX), design and management of annual
budget, calculation and validation of indicators, among others.
Date of admission 12/11/2014
Egress date Current
Company Investment Brotherhood, CA Polyclinic Guacara
Phone (058-245) 5811850/5811461
Supervisor Lic. Carlos Lugo
Last position held: Chief General Service.
Functions and responsibilities Planning, execution control and supervision of infrastructure maintenance
plans, air conditioning systems, electromedical equipment, landscaping,
building, pumping equipment, power generation, walkways and roads.
Allocation and monitoring of activities and staff work plans waitresses and
janitors. Review Billing services and consumption control. Hiring service
providers and contract supervision. Time contract determined for temporary
Date of admission 07/16/2014
Egress date 09/01/2014
Company Venezuelan Molino de Papel, CA MOVEPAL
Phone (058-245) 5648264
Supervisor Ing. Elial Rebollo
Last position held: Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor.
Functions and responsibilities Planning, coordinating, allocating and monitoring maintenance plans. Shift
personnel management and daily. Manage inventory of tools and spare parts.
Plan, monitor and oversee all maintenance activities in different areas and
equipment and the development of other functions according to the
responsibilities assigned by management. Responsible for control and monitoring
of indicators. Preparation of manuals of procedures, work instructions, administer
the quality management system by the department.
Date of admission 09/16/2013
Egress date 15/07/2014
Company Venezuelan Endogenous Paper Industry, SA INVEPAL
Phone (058-242) 3607128 / (058-414) 3417502
Supervisor MsC Frazao José Sosa / Econ. Livia Herrera
Last position held: Strategic Planning Coordinator.
Previous charges: General Coordinator Plant coated papers. Plant Production Manager
Notebooks. Project Leader Plant modernization and automation Notebooks.
Functions and responsibilities Coordinate projects in mechanical discipline: Develop detailed engineering Paper
Mill, plan, implement and track improvements Draft Technical Paper Mill.
Project Manager Plant modernization and automation Notebooks: Development
of detailed engineering, runtimes, quotes, supplier management, execution and
control of Plant Modernization Project Notebooks. Notebooks Plant Production
Manager: Planning and production control, quality control of final product,
supervision and staff turnover, preparation and presentation of indicators of
production management, among others. General Manager Plant Papers COATED
plan, coordinate, supervise the work concerning Production, Administration,
Logistics, Human Resources and Plant Maintenance coated papers also planning,
preparation and monitoring of the annual work plan and annual budget of the
plant, processing and presentation of indicators of plant management. Coordinator
of Strategic Planning: Development: Review and Control multi-year Strategic
Plan of the organization preparing the Annual Operating Plan and Budget,
Development indicators, control and monitoring of indicators. Development of
manuals and procedures, work instructions, guide and supervise the
implementation of QualityManagement System.
Date of admission fifteen/02/2008
Egress date 15/08/2013
Company National Experimental University of the Armed Forces UNEFA – Extension
Phone (058-245) 4153860
Supervisor Ing. Ana Rodriguez Maxibel
Last position held: Race coordinator Basic Cycle Engineering – Nocturne
Functions and responsibilities Attendance, assessments, scores and news staff teacher and students.
Registration and control of qualifications, supervision of teachers, among
Date of admission 05/03/2007
Egress date 17/12/2009
Company CA Metro de Caracas
Phone (058-212) 5073032
Supervisor Ing. Uxmal Amézquita
Last position held Internship
Functions and responsibilities Develop a manual of technical standards and to conduct a study of indoor air
quality and Duct cleaning in the premises of Metro de Caracas
Date of admission 08/2004
Egress date 11/2004
Company ALTAIR, CA
Phone (0058-02) 9533071
Supervisor Ing. Adriana Paris
Last position held Project Assistant
Functions and responsibilities Locate GPS system the sites to be installed, request assignment of telephone
numbers CANTV, registered in the database of the company’s new phone
numbers, supervise contractors performing facilities, check monthly the
installations and coordinate with CANTV as regards the billing of customers,
suppliers and selection of materials.
Date of admission 11/1998
Egress date 10/1999
Company Taaaco De Venezuela, Ca
Phone (0058-02) 7931920
Supervisor Ing. Marisabel Alvarez
Last position held Evaluation engineer
Functions and responsibilities Economic surveys of equipment and industrial machinery, make field visits in
order to verify the physical condition and operation of equipment, perform
inventory and asset valuation, to determine the useful life and residual life of
equipment to study DPC-10, monitor the activities of field technicians
appraisal, procurement and purchase of materials and supplies, among others.
Valued companies: CGV SIDOR, CVG Venalum Interalúmina CVG, CVG
DIVISION FOOD, among others.
Date of admission 08/1993
Egress date 07/1998