
Rashani Hathurusinghe Training network administrator

Sri Lanka linkedin
HTML+CSSJavaJava scriptMS OfficePHPprogrammingtypingWeb Developing

I am a girl named Rashani Hathurusinghe from Kandy, Sri Lanka, Qualified as a Software Engineer(SQA) in Java institute and Networking computer technology in Informatics academy Singapore. A bright, talented and ambitious character with a strong technical background who possesses self-discipline and the ability to work with the minimum of supervision. Able to play a key role throughout the software development. Processing a good team spirit and take the right risk and manage it with good manner.


2018 -2020 Diploma in Network Computer Technology at Informatics Academy
2016-2017 Diploma in Software Engineer(SQA) at Java institute
2014-2015 Job seekers at Technical Collage


2017-2018 Training Data Entry Operator at MEDSOURCE PVT LDT