
Tristan Dickson Junior investment/economics analyst

South Africa Tristan Dickson
active listenereconomicsinterpersonal skillsinvestment analysismanagerial skills.Microsoft Officeorganizational skillsQuantitative analysisStatistical skills

My name is Tristan and I am 23 years old. I have a passion for people leadership, investment analysis and economic analysis. I enjoy leading, organizing and formulating viable business solutions. I thoroughly enjoy combining my ability to resolve challenges through an organized approach. During the resolution process I enjoy applying creative thinking and my knowledge of people to ensure a balanced and novel outcome. By carefully and consistently applying my knowledge, adapting it to an ever evolving society, tapping into technological innovation, spotting opportunities to cross-pollinate concepts and creatively addressing real needs; we can build progressive business solutions and a flourishing economy.


Feb 2016 - Feb 2019 Undergraduate Bachelor of Business Science: Economics & Management at Monash University South Africa

Accident in second year of study, 3 family deaths.
Completed studies through challenges by the grace of God.