
Efrain environmental and agricultural enginnering

Bolivia Efrain Pozo
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Address: C.Boquerón#10 street 39, Achumani District La Paz city BOLIVIA

Cell phone +591-74842750 ;  e-mail: [email protected]


Post grade at the International Center for Development Oriented Research in Agriculture (ICRA).  Wageningen, the Netherlands (January to July 2000).

M.Sc. at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA. Major: Crop Production and Physiology (1993-1995).

Agricultural Engineering at Universidad Mayor de San Simon. Cochabamba, Bolivia. Major: Agriculture (1982-1987).

WORK EXPERIENCE:  in chronological order from most recent to oldest

1)   ADAPTATION MECHANISM DIRECTOR at Plurinational Authority of Mother Earth. Responsible to coordinate environmental and climate change events; provide feedback to the different units of the Ministry of Environment and Water (MMAyA); supervise and monitor consultancies on climate change, database, relevant information that help to define public policies; make plans, programs and strategies for the consolidation of the National Climate Change Plan and the National Policy for Integral Development of the Environment. La Paz city. BO.

2)  ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL EXPERT at World Vision – Bolivia, Responsible to translate social and environmental documents; plan new social and environmental projects; translate of all kind of documents. Santa Cruz Department, BO.

3)   CHIEF DIVISION at Guabira Sugar Mills S.A. Responsible to implement the Cañero Lider Program; implement strategies with environmental approach into the sugar cane farming systems; create a data base of the sugar cane producers about yield, field productivity and production area. Montero, Santa Cruz, BO.

4)  ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST at SINOHYDRO Corporation Limited S.A. Responsible to monitor and evaluate road construction impact on environment; implement measures and strategies to mitigate environmental damages caused by road construction. Ivirgarzama, Cochabamba, BO.

5)  REGIONAL COORDINATOR at Irrigation Division, Productive Development Secretary (SDP), Autonomous Departmental Government of Santa Cruz GAD-SC. Responsible to plan and evaluate irrigation projects in rural areas; work with irrigation social organizations of farmers to include all farmers in the projects. Santa Cruz, BO.

6)  SPECIALIST IN TRAINING at PRONAREC (National Irrigation Program with Watershed Approach). Responsible to implement the irrigation projects with a basin approach for the NIPWA; plan and organize training events for irrigation technicians and farmers. La Paz, BO.

7)   ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT at San Cristóbal S.A. (MSC) Mine. Responsible to implement re-forestation and re-vegetation plans in the disturbed areas where mining activities have affected; translate the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) from English into Spanish for MSC. Potosi, BO.

8)   INSTRUCTOR at DAIO Corporation s.r.l. Responsible to teach Spanish to DAIO executives. Planning curricula for DAIO employees who travel to Osorno Chile to carry out forestry missions. Mishima, Ehime Prefecture, Japan.

9)  CONSULTANT at Kumon Institute of Education. Responsible to develop didactic educational materials for native speakers. Umeda, Osaka, Japan

10)  TECHNICAL ADVISOR at Bolivian System of Agriculture and Cattle Technology Development (SIBTA) – Agricultural, Livestock, and Rural Development Ministry (MAGDR). Responsible to advise Strategic Projects and Technological Projects carried out by the Policy Unit of Technology Development. La Paz, BO.

11)  PROJECT EVALUATOR at World Food Program (WFP-UN). Responsible to evaluate and assess the damage caused by climatic phenomena such as hail, frost, floods and droughts in rural communities; plan and execute environmental strategies to cope with natural disasters in La Paz, Cochabamba and Oruro Departments. BO.

12)  CONSULTANT at several organizations.

  • Food Security Program (PASA). La Paz, Bolivia.
  • United Nations Program. Small Grants Project (PPD). La Paz, Bolivia
  • Defense League for Environment (LIDEMA). La Paz, Bolivia.
  • UNDP Conservation of the Biodiversity System (ALT) La Paz, Bolivia.
  • International Centre for Development Research in Agriculture (ICRA). Bonga, Ethiopia.
  • Interamerican Institute of Agricultural Sciences (IICA) and MAGDR. BO.
  • ACRA- CIDAE. La Paz, Bolivia.
  • Interamerican Institute of Agricultural Sciences IICA La Paz, Bolivia.

13)  ADVISOR COORDINATOR at Agricultural Technology Department PDTA; Responsible to write the final report for the World Bank Project Bo 2216 1991-1998.  La Paz, BO.

14)  PLANNER COORDINATOR at Bolivian Institute for Agriculture Technology (IBTA). Responsible to carry out Project Planning and Evaluation; make Logical framework and Annual Operative Plans (POA’s). La Paz, BO.

15)  REGIONAL CHIEF at National Potato Research Program PROINPA. Responsible to make POA’s; advice graduate students; Coordinate, supervise and carry out potato research in the highlands, valleys and tropical rural communities. La Paz, BO.

16)  TEACHING ASSITANT at Agronomy Iowa State University (ISU). Responsible to assist soil professor. Ames, Iowa. USA.

17)  FARMING SYSTEM RESEARCHER at Patacamaya Experimental Station (IBTA). Responsible to carry out agricultural research in rural communities of Bolivian Highlands with the ORSTOM (French Cooperation Institute) and with the financial support of CIID-CANADA. La Paz, BO.

18)  TEACHING ASSITANT at the College of Agriculture, Livestock, and Forestry “Martín Cárdenas”, UMSS. Responsible to assist the chemistry proffessor. Cochabamba, BO.


1)   Consultancy: “Establishment of forest plantations in the Collasuyo Canton”. Sponsored by the Food Security Program (PASA). La Paz, Bolivia. June 2001.

2)  Consultancy: “Characteristics and distribution of the Bofedals lands in the Bolivian boundary”. Sponsored by the Bi-national Project:   Conservation of the System Biodiversity (TPDS). ALT-PNUD.  May 2001

3)  Consultancy: “Monitoring of 13 projects located in Arque y Tapacarí Provinces. Sponsored by PASA. Cochabamba, Bolivia. Dec. 1999.

4)  Consultancy: “Study Case: Natural Resources under Threat: An Analysis of the Farming Systems of Gimbo Woreda, Kafa Sheka Zone, Ethiopia. Consultancy ad honorem. Sponsored by the Sustainable Poverty Alleviation Project-Ethiopia (SUPAK-S), the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization (EARO) and The International Centre For Development Research in Agriculture (ICRA). Ethiopia. April 2000.

5)  Consultancy: “Study of the predominant ecosystems. Characterization of the Present Conduction and Tendency of the Economics, Social and Environmental Factors within the Ecosystem studied during the 1990’s”. Sponsored by MAGDR and PROCISUR.  La Paz, Bolivia. April 1999.

6)  Consultancy: “Report on the Agricultural Family: The Bolivian case”. Sponsored by the IICA and MAGDR.  La Paz, Bolivia. March 1999.

7)  Consultancy: “Regional Evaluation of the damages and harm caused by climatic factors in several Provinces of La Paz Department”. Sponsored by PAC-CORDEPAZ, Prefecture and Civil Defense l. La Paz, Bolivia. April 1991.

8)  Consultancy: Agricultural and Livestock Diagnostic of Araca. Analysis of the productive potentiality of the Loayza Province, La Paz Department. Sponsored by ACRA. La Paz, Bolivia. April 1991.

9)  Consultancy: “Evaluation of the flux, management and use of agroecological information among NGO’s”. Work conducted in the Valley Regions of Bolivia. Sponsored by CIDAE. La Paz, Bolivia. March 1990.

10)  Consultancy: “Elaboration of the National Catalogue of Researches on Forage, Grasses and native pastures. Sponsored by UNITAS La Paz, Bolivia. June 1989.


  •  Scientific Award due to outstanding contributions to the Science and Technology through PROINPA given by the National Academy of Sciences. Bolivia. December 1997.
  • Scholarship to do Master of Science at Iowa State University due to best performance as a researcher and academic background. Sponsored by IBTA- 2216 Bo -World Bank Credit, Ames, Iowa, USA. 1992-1995.
  • Scholarship to carry out a Research Thesis, due to being an outstanding student. Universidad Mayor de San Simon. Sponsored by ABOPA- PL-480 Title III Funds. La Paz, Bolivia. 1987-1988.
  • Scholarship to study due to outstanding student. Middle and High School: Institute Salesiano Domingo Savio IDS. La Paz, Bolivia. 1974-1981.
  2. 1)      Pozo, E. 2017. Rice Crop System under irrigation. 32p. Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
  3. 2)      Taboada R. & Pozo, E. 2014. Rice Producer Manual. PRONAREC. Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
  4. 3)      Pozo E. 2014. Priorization Method for irrigation projects. DDR.SEDERI.GAD Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
  5. 4)      Pozo, E. 2014. Sustainable Basin Managements. 89p. Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
  6. 5)      Pozo, E. 2014. Basin Management with Systemic Approach. 45 p. Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
  7. 6)      Pozo, E. 2012. Technical and management proposal for the Culpina Farmers Association. Culpina Town. San Cristobal, Bolivia.
  8. 7)      Pozo, E. 2012. Guidelines to improve the productivity and performance of Culpina Farmers Association. La Paz, Bolivia.
  9. 8)      Pozo, E. 2012. Revegetation and rehabilitation of disturbed soil by using gravity irrigation. San Cristóbal, Potosí, Bolivia.
  10. 9)      Pozo, E. 2007. Wood chips and Agro-forestry: DAIO Paper Corporation. Shikokuchuo-Mishima. Japan.
  11. 10)  Pozo, E. et al.  2000.  Sustainable use of scarce groundwater: Constraints and opportunities for dairy research and development in Noord Brabant. ICRA. Report of the Second Trip Visit. Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  12. 11)  Pozo, E. et al.  2000.  Natural Resources Under Threat: An Analysis of the Farming Systems of Gimbo Woreda, Kafa-Sheka Zone, Ethiopia. ICRA-SUPAK-S. Working Document Series 84. Ethiopia 2000.
  13. 12)  Pozo, E.  1998.  Production of high quality Potato seed from native varieties in the Bolivian highlands. XVIII Reunion of the Potato Latin-American Association (ALAP).  9-13 February, 1998, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
  14. 13)  Pozo, E. 1998.  Evaluation, present situation, projections and perspectives of a Rationalization program for pesticides use in Bolivia. PROCISUR. IICA, Montevideo, Uruguay. pp. 35-42.
  15. 14)  Pozo, E. A.  1995. Effects of intercropping berseem clover on a primary oat crop and succeeding corn yield. Thesis M.S. Agronomy Department, Iowa State University. Ames, Iowa. USA.


  1.  PhD Daniel Álvarez. Research and Development Director. Lloyd’s Register Global Technology Centre Pte Ltd. 1 Bukit Batok Street 22 #03-03B. Singapore 659592. [email protected]
  2.  PhD Jon Daane Director.  International Center for Development Oriented Research in Agriculture (ICRA). Teléf. 31 317 422938. E-mail: [email protected]  Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  3.  PhD Mathew Macmahon; Latin America Area Manager. World Bank, Washington D.C. e-mail: [email protected] Washington D.C. EEUU.