I Ngabo jean François submit my application requesting for a job in your institution
In fact am a holder of HVAC Diploma from NTTI Nairobi Technical Training Institute and hold different diploma and certificate in engineering farm
i would like to bring such experience and improve the services quality that are being provided by the institution.
kindly regard
This was the time i truly found the importance of Air conditioning and refrigeration systems in our daily life. Simply it is good carrier which which is developing daily and have a positive impact in our lives
At Tumba college i was doing Alternative Energy same as Renewable Energy in fact this option a good solution for green Energy which saves us from not destroying or pollute our planet. This was so amazing and have an initiative to invest in this sector
I joined ETAK after my ordinary level as my dream was to be the technician attending this was like I found my place
Life was good in this option and I experienced more practical work.
Electronics is everything