
Justus odinkemere Barrister @law

Appearing in court

Am Justus  odinkemere ,was born on the 19th July 1978

My first school certificate was1990

My senior school certificate 1997

My Bachelor in law 2008

My Barrister @ law 2010


2002 to 2008 Bachelor of law at University of lagos

I apply for administrative or law job, I wish to apply for either of the above


2015 till 2019 Legal officer / appearing in court at Charles C Asugha and co

I had already worked in other chambers eg Sam ogungbamila and co , kolawole and co

2009 to 2011 Counsel at Barrister Sam ogungbamila

Wish to work with you for more experience

2020 Litigation counsel at Vaclad ATTORNYS

Still practising