
MOHAMMAD SHAHIDUL ISLAM aquaculture expert

Micro credit developmentmodule preparationMotivational workMotor drivingSkill on report writing

Experiences about43 years in aquaculture different field.
a) Freshwater fish breeding.
b) Coastal and freshwater fish breeding
c) Prawn and shrimp culture and breeding .
d) Commercial Aquaculture
e) Training of Trainers on fish and prawn disease
f) Expert on fish disease.
g) Experiences on prawn hatchery operation.

h) Specialization on HR

i) Training expert on related subjects.


1969 -1971 M.Sc in Zoology Fisheries. at UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA
1967-1969 B.Sc at University of Chittagong, Chittagong , Bangladesh


March 2008 to September 2008 HRD Specialist at DANIDA
01/04/1978-31-07-1978 Training on fresh water culture in China at UNDP
04/07/2002 - 15/08/2002 Course on Development and Management at ODA
June 1996 Study on aquaculture in Thailand at AIT Thailand