Ø Troubleshooting of network problems over the WAN and LAN environment.
Ø Fixing of desktop hardware and software problems.
Ø First level support for Automated Teller Machine (WINCOR NIXDORF, TRITON CE & XP, NCR)
Ø Monitoring server and client (2003 & WINDOWS7) operating systems.
Ø Setting up of IBM X3800/X206 SERVER
Ø Managing and maintaining users, computers and groups in domain.
Ø Cabling and installation of network equipment.
Ø Support to users on bank’s applications.
Ø Battery staging and Inverter installations
Ø Installations of software to meet bank’s requirement for users.
Ø Installation of Microsoft Forefront (Antivirus) on bank’s systems and ATMs.
Ø Troubleshooting of network problems over the WAN and LAN environment.
Ø Fixing of desktop hardware and software problems.
Ø First level support for Automated Teller Machine (WINCOR NIXDORF, TRITON CE & XP, NCR)
Ø Monitoring server and client (2003 & WINDOWS7) operating systems.
Ø Setting up of IBM X3800/X206 SERVER
Ø Managing and maintaining users, computers and groups in domain.
Ø Cabling and installation of network equipment.
Ø Support to users on bank’s applications.
Ø Battery staging and Inverter installations
Ø Installations of software to meet bank’s requirement for users.
Ø Installation of Microsoft Forefront (Antivirus) on bank’s systems and ATMs.