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Leadership SkillsOffshore Researcher

|[email protected]|+94711778665|+94913914187|


DateofBirth: 26.12.1991

NationalIdentity : 918611835V

Gender : Female

CivilStatus : Married

Nationality : Sinhala

Citizenship : Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka


2012-2017 BSc.Honours in Fisheries and Marine Sciences (Specialized in Oceanography and Marine Geology) at University of Ruhuna

 General , Biological , Physical , Chemical Geological Oceanography and Paleo Oceanography
 MarineGeologyandMineralogy
 MarineBiologyforFloraandFauna
 GeneralEcologyofMarine&CoastalEcosystem
 GeneralEcologicalsurveysonMarineandCoastalSystems
 Ecology of Sensitive Marine and Coastal Ecosystems, Their Pollution & Environmental Conflicts
 Ecological Surveys on Sensitive Coastal and Marine Ecosystems and Their Pollution Estimation
 EcologicalRiskandHumanHealthRiskofPollutants
 SnorkellingandLifeSaving
 FishingGearandCraftTechnology


January 2017 to April 2017 Undergraduate Trainee at SriLanka Customs

Checking on description, classification, valuation of all biodiversity related imports and exports Promoting the development programs of the country, about sustainable imports and exports of fauna and flora.Conduct awareness programs for related government and non-government agencies about natural resources of our country and ways of resource exploitation with the introduction of modern technology and sophisticated techniques in smuggling activities.  

July 2017- December 2018 Demonstrator at University of Ruhuna

Conducting Physical, Chemical and Biological Oceanography and Marine Geology practical classes for undergraduates
Evaluating student’s practical reports
Exam invigilation

December 2018 to now Research Assistant at University of Ruhuna

Demonstrating, assessing and evaluating undergraduate research students.
Data collection, Analyzing and Report writing for the ongoing researches of the department.
Coordinating deep sea field visits of the department with Sri Lanka Navy
Assisting administration work of the department.

November 2019 to December 2019 Offshore Trainee at Deepgreen

Collection, primary identification and preservation of fauna in boxcore samples.
Sample preparation for sediment chemistry analysis
Collection, Sorting, Weighting and Storage polymetalic nodules in boxcore samples
Geo-technical analysis of boxcore sample
Surveying process for sample sites