
Rickhordo V Tyndale massage therapist

Canada, new York, USA
certificate in automotive finishingcertificate in sports massage therapycxc (3) building technologycxc (3) English A

Personal summary:
I am a fast learner who is great at working with teams, who adapts fast to surroundings. I am currently a student at GC foster college where I study sports massage therapist however, because of my scholarship issues I am on a 2 year leaf from school


Old harbour high school (2009-2013)
GC foster college (2015 previous)


English ‘A’ level 3

Building technology level 3

Certificate in automotive finishing
Level 1 certificate in sports massage therapy

Work experience:

Voluntary work at maypen hospital (2010-2010)

Jaggongs gasses (2012-2015)


September 2015 certificate in sports massage therapy at GC foster college

On a 2 year leaf from school returning to complete diploma course