
Abdylashym uulu Nurbek English teacher of junior school.

Kyrgyzstan,Osh Nurbek Abdylashym uulu
No skiils

My name is Nurbek.l am 26 years old.l am from Kyrgyzstan.Now l live in Korea. Here l work at the Samsung shipbuilding heavy industry.l know three languages:English, Russian anf Korean.l studied  at gymnasium by the name Kyrgyzata.Then finished  english faculty of Osh state social university.When l finished university four years ago  came to Korea to working.  I am single.Now l want to go to Canada to working as a lorry driver. Help me please.


1998-2009 English teacher at Kyrgyzata gymnasium

English teacher


2014-2018 Painting, cleaning. at Samsung shipbulding heavy industry

Now l work in another factory.