
Abenzer Tekalign Demise BSC Degree

I have Batchlar degree by statistics






I graduated on Jun 20 in B.Sc in statistics from Wolita sodo univerisity college of natural and computetional scinece . During my compus/college I took curses that equppied me with profound knowlduge that will expected from me delinquentily. Indeed that interst I have to apply. What have learned together with my coriosity to know more about things give me greater idea.
I wolud appricite the chance to discuss my qualification with you and do my best to excute the responsibility expected from me share expriance that I have got and achievment of the organization goal if i will get the opportunity.
I sincerely hope that you will let me respose soon. I enclosed my curriculem vita gives you further information.


2013/2015 First degree at Wolita sodo university

I have first degree in statistics and currently i follows civil engineering at wachamo university

2018/not finshed Civil engineering at Wachamo university

Currently i was 3rd year student.


1-82015/30-6-2016 Supervision at Centeral statistical agency
5-8-2019/30-5-2020 Supervision at Centeral statistical agency
25-7-2016/30-7-2019 Human resources management at school