
Alaa Magdy examiner for general organisation for import and export

Canada, Australia, Us and Uk
I like readingplayed karaate

Hello this is Alaa Magdy

I’m 26years old ,I have master degree and PhD in aquaculture and fisheries and fish management

I hope to learn from us and assistance us.

Thnx alot


1996to 2010 Speak English at Islamic language school

I’m gone after this Scholl called elhadesa prep school and in secondary school called el adema secondary school for girls

2010to 2013 Fishe wealth at Faculty of Agriculture of science

After that prepare Master degree

2015to 2018 Master degree at Agriculture of secince

After that prepare PhD in fish management on-line courses


Start from 2015 to 2018 General organisation for import and export at Examiner

I’m learning in institute of Oceanography and fisheries and prepare my master’s degree here

In Master degree and become finished it Attend workshop in institute of Oceanography and fisheries at Assistant lecturer

I wanna to learn more about this filed