
Alan Espina MBA, BSC Major in Accounting

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Alan M. Espina

Contact Nos. : +971521661127

Email address: [email protected]
Pulling from Administrative experience, Alan, has a strong capability in all facets of developing and operating plans regardless of the demanding schedule, Alan is tirelessly dedicated to implementing the highest service levels and at the same time focused on saving money. Having worked with a rich assortment of personalities across a broad range of project types, Alan has honed the skill of being able to work in harmony with any team, and become quickly endeared to both colleagues and clients.

Personal Information:

Visa Status:Visit
Residence Location:Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Marital Status:Married




Date Graduated:  October 2011

School:    Saint Joseph College

Tung-tunga, Maasin City

Southern Leyte, Philippines


Ø  Bachelor of  Science in Commerce – MAJOR IN ACCOUNTING

Date Graduated: March 1991

School:    Saint Joseph College

Tunga-tunga, Maasin City

Southern Leyte, Philippines



Date Graduated: March 1987

School:   Saint Joseph College, Maasin City

Tunga-tunga, Maasin City

Southern Leyte, Philippines




Date Graduated: March 1983

School:   Maasin Central School

Tunga-tunga, Maasin City

Southern Leyte, Philippines
March 1, 2010 –

May 15 2016
Member Services Development Section Head

Institutional Services Development Department
Company: Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SOLECO)

Soro-Soro, Maasin City, Southern Leyte 6600, Philippines


Scope of Responsibilities:


Responsible for drawing up and supervising the implementation of plans on training and information dissemination activities of the Cooperative and supervises orderly conduct of district elections and membership meetings.


Functions and Responsibilities:

–       Recommends plans and programs on training and information dissemination activities and membership seminars;

–       Monitors nature of complaints and makes plans and actions to avoid recurring of same complaints;

–       Conducts continuous education program for the member-consumers;

–       Assists in the publication of the Cooperative newsletters, posters, policies and other leaflets;

–       Performs other functions and duties as may be assigned from time to time.



–       Supervised systematically in the distribution of Patronage Credit Certificate to member-consumers for the entire coverage area.

–       Initiated linkage with Local Government Units in promoting harmonious relationship by lobbying during sessions and participating annual Inter- agency Sports competition.

–       Facilitated Annual General Membership Assembly (AGMA) effectively.

–       Accommodate and resolved all customers’ complains satisfactorily.

–       Formulated Standard Operating Procedures in all apprehension activities as  Chief Apprehension Officer in full compliance and in consonance to the Coop Policy and RA 7832

–       Supervised in the fabrication of Heavy Equipment Garage

–       Supervised in the construction of Office Annex Building

–       Encouraged and convinced suppliers as Bids and Awards Committee Chairman (BAC)

–       Upheld eligible candidates being Screening Committee Chairman on Coop District Elections

–       Refurbished all (5) collection sub-offices

–       Energized far flung barangays and sitios covering government subsidy funds as Project Focal Person

–       Expedited all department’s output for the submission of monthly Key Performance Standards (KPS) to the National Office.

–       Resource Speaker on Schools and Universities within the coverage area on “Seminar-Workshop on Electrical Safety and Maintenance”

–       Formulates annual budget for the section.

October 17, 2005 – February 28, 2010





















































January 29, 2008 –

June 1, 2008

General Services Section Head
Institutional Services Development Department
Company: Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SOLECO)

Soro-Soro, Maasin City, Southern Leyte 6600, Philippines



Functions and Responsibilities:

–       Develop and supervises programs on proper vehicle and equipment maintenance;

–       Keeps tracks and updates records of vehicle repairs, frequency of overhauls, insurance requirement and licensing of vehicles;

–        Maintains records of fast moving vehicle replacement parts;

–        Ensure proper use and control of garage equipment, tools and vehicles;

–       Certifies road worthiness of vehicles before release;

–       Responsible for the regulations of Coop vehicles and attend/assists in personnel problem particularly in cases of accident involving Coop vehicle;

–       Responsible in the operation and maintenance of photo copying equipment, mimeographing machines and sound system in accordance with prescribed regulations;

–       Responsible in supervising the cleanliness and maintenance of office building and surroundings.

–       Attends to physical arrangement of hall during official functions;

–       Supervises regular check-up, de-rusting, rust proofing, welding repairs, overhauling and reconditioning of vehicles;

–       Prepares and keeps hired vehicles’ contract;

–       In-charge in the registration of all Coop vehicles.




–       Supervised in the repair and renovation of garage area in accordance to safety standards.

–       Requested procurement of Protective Personal Equipment for workers and power tools on heavy and light vehicles.

–       Implemented vehicle gates pass slip for easy monitoring of assigned vehicle.

–       Maintained office furniture and fixtures in the main, sub-offices & sub-stations and mini-hydro plant

–       Maintained cleanliness and orderliness in the headquarters.

–       Supervised  the replacement of roofing to all building of the headquarters

–       Supervised  the construction of solid perimeter canal of the compound

–       Supervised  the construction of consumer and collection annex building

–       Supervised  the construction of covered parking area for member-consumers and employees

–       Supervised in the fabrication of Carpentry and Storage Section

–       Maintained heavy and light vehicles performance

–       Renewal of 28 vehicles registration annually.

–       Monitored employees driver’s license on assigned vehicles

–       Supervised in the maintenance of 2,000.00 trees planted within the vicinity of the headquarters.

–       Awarded “Clean and Green Cooperative” in the region.

–       Conducted bi-monthly meetings by section




OIC Institutional Services Development Manager

Institutional Services Development Department

Company: Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SOLECO)

Soro-Soro, Maasin City, Southern Leyte 6600, Philippines
Scope of Responsibilities:


The core of responsibility of this position is to maximize member-consumers’ participation in all programs and activities which aim to increase their awareness, understanding and loyalty to the cooperative.  Aside from consolidation, concretization and recruitment activities;


It is also the responsibility of the ISD Manager to conceptualize projects, programs and activities that can uplift the living condition of its members which in effect will result to the full utilization of electricity.


Functions and Responsibilities:

–       Supervises the preparation of the annual work plan of activities on members participation in the use of electricity and in the development of the Cooperative;

–       Plans, directs, supervises membership education programs;

–       Look into the promotion of members’ interest in Cooperative affairs;

–       Coordinates with community leaders in the service of the Cooperative to develop agricultural, industrial and commercial and public service enterprises which will improve the quality of life in the barangay through the utilization of electricity and cooperative facilities.

–       Supervises the publication of the Coop Newsletter;

–       Supervises the coordination and arrangements for the annual membership meeting and district membership meetings, and meetings in the barangay level;

–       Supervises the handling of consumers’’ complaints;

–       Supervises and projects the direction of Coop’s special projects;

–       Leads the Department in the conceptualization of programs that will actualize the Thrust and Vision of the Cooperative, Rural Electrification and the National Government i.e., development  programs such as livelihood projects and manpower development education;

–       Supervises employees of Member Services Division, preparing job description, evaluating performance, and being responsible for their leave, promotions and morale.

July 1, 2006 –

November 20, 2006
Purchaser – Institutional Services Development Department
Company: Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SOLECO)

Soro-Soro, Maasin City, Southern Leyte 6600, Philippines

(concurrent position)


Scope of Responsibilities:


Primarily responsible for the purchase of electrical supplies and equipment of the Cooperative based on duly approved purchase orders and duly processed canvass sheets





Functions and Responsibilities:

–       Does actual purchasing and arrangement of delivery of electrical supplies and equipment needed;

–       Ensures that delivery are in accordance with specifications and quality stated in the purchase order;

–       Arranges for the replacement or return of items received in the bad order or fall short of specifications;

–       As directed, negotiates for credit lines with suppliers and payment schedules for purchases;

–       Maintains a systematic record of monthly accounts payable vouchers and monthly schedule of payments.



–       Managed to established credit relations to local and adjacent city suppliers in all procurement of electrical and vehicle materials and supplies.

–       Consistently NO un-liquidated cash advances 10 days after travel period.

–       Maintained a systematic procedure in the process of different types of procurement based on necessity.

–       Maintained a transparent recording consistent with accounting and auditing standards

May 26, 2006 –

May 15, 2016
Pollution Control Officer

Institutional Services Development Department

Company: Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SOLECO)

Soro-Soro, Maasin City, Southern Leyte 6600, Philippines

(concurrent position)


Scope of Responsibilities:


Oversee compliance of all environmental laws being implemented by SOLECO, Inc.


Functions and Responsibilities:

–       As a liaison officer with the Department, he shall keep himself abreast with the requirements of the Department and the latest available technology on the prevention, control and abatement of pollution;

–       Maintain liaison with the city/provincial or municipal or local pollution control officers;

–       Attend the meetings for Pollution Control Officers which may from time to time be called by the Department;

–       Facilitate compliance of the establishment he represents with the requirements that may from time to time be prescribed by the Department; and

–       Handle other matters of environmental concern as required by the employer.




–       Implemented all safety standards in the storage of toxic and hazardous waste and materials.

–       Supervised in the construction of Toxic and Hazardous Waste warehouse.

–       Shared and imparted information on prevention and control of Persistent Organic Pesticides (POPs) to Local Government Units (LGU) through conferences and training-workshops.

–       Facilitated the submission of Quarterly Monitoring Report and Annual Inventory to the Department (DENR-EMB)

–       Accredited Pollution Control Officer of the region

November 1994 –

October 2005












































November 16, 1998 – November 15, 1999





































December  1992 –

January  1994
Auditor I – Office of the General Manager
Company: Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SOLECO)
Nasaug, Maasin City, Southern Leyte 6600, Philippines

Scope of Responsibilities:


Assists the Internal Auditor in auditing and maintaining general records related to the operation of the cooperative.

Functions and Responsibilities:

–       Keeps complete records for review and cross-checking of transformers, meters, and poles with properly classified control numbers in their respective registers;

–       Inspects deliveries and monitors movements of the materials/equipment up to the point of salvage against RV’s, RR’s, RV’s/RR’s internal use, and MST’s;

–       Reviews/cross-checks construction materials, office equipment and supplies, spare parts and rewinding materials purchased against RIV, RR, RV, materials charges, Credits and Salvage Tickets including the inspection at the time of deliveries;

–       Reviews and inspects “as-built” plans on new constructed lines before it will be energized;

–       Inspects, approves and make recommendations on Right-Of-Way Trimming activities in the entire coverage area



–       Apprehended 7 meter-reader collectors due to unremitted bill collections

–       Apprehended 2 tellers due to illegal use of funds

–       Apprehended 1 Lineman and 1 Foreman due to illegal line connection unregistered to the Coops billing system

–       Managed to return materials and supplies during inspection immediately which did not conform to standards and specifications

–       Managed to balance figures from the ledgers per book and per Bin card

–       Expedited bank reconciliation balancing figures per book and per bank

–       Formulated auditing procedures within the company on Right-Of-Way trimming inspection of distribution lines.

–       Conducted year-end electrical materials and supplies inventory

–       Conducted year-end office furniture and supplies inventory

–       Inspected meticulously on “as-built” line construction plans submitted from technical department for approval and for closed-out projects.

–       Constantly checked accuracy on checks and cash deposit between books and bank


Acting Internal Auditor – Office of the General Manager
Company: Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SOLECO)
Nasaug, Maasin City, Southern Leyte 6600, Philippines
Scope of Responsibilities:


Monitors/evaluates operational activities of the organization, reveals inefficient operations and gives recommendations for improvements and/or introduces system of control if the system is weak and ineffective.


Functions and Responsibilities:


–       Evaluates/checks overtime authorization as to the necessity and monitors overtime certification against work done;

–       Checks and determines if accomplishment report of each vehicle is compensating as to the gasoline consumption reports;

–       Reviews turn-over reconnections and service memo against accomplishment report;

–       Makes surprise visitations of personnel who are in field work;

–       Monitors/checks the flow of special equipment which include transformers, meters, poles, rewinding materials, construction/non-construction materials, office equipment, supplies and machines and vehicle’s spare parts, from the point of requisition, issuance and so forth;

–       Monitors/checks all serially numbered accountable forms such as OR, RIV, PO, etc.;

–       Oversees the functions and supervises staff;

–       Supervises the conduct of physical inventory of materials, office supplies and equipment, gasoline, and oils;

–       Coordinates with personnel concerned regarding the result of the inventory;

–       Formulates guidelines/procedures for the activity to be undertaken and submits it to the General Manager for approval;

–       Studies and evaluates existing operation system/procedure and recommends improvements;

–       Ascertain adequacy of insurance of Coop properties;

–       Conducts inventory of distribution plant accounts;




Budgeting Aide

Department of Budget and Management (DBM)

Company: Provincial Budget & Management Office

Provincial Capitol Building

Asuncion, Maasin City, Southern Leyte 6600, Philippines


Functions and Responsibilities:


–       Assists the Budget Examiner in the performance of his functions.

–       Keeps and files records on budget authorization allotments and current expenditures for provincial offices.

–       Evaluates allotment requests and prepare corresponding recommendations.

–       Studies and evaluates periodic budgetary reports.

–       Assists the budget officer in coordinating with the local treasurer for purpose of local government budgeting.

–       Studies and evaluates the preparation of executive and special budgets.

June 1989 –

March 1991



Company: G.O.D. Accounting Firm
T. Oppus St., Tagnipa, Maasin, Southern Leyte 6600, Philippines

Scope of Responsibilities:


Responsible in assisting the Accounting Section Head and regularly prepares and keeps related accounting records of all financial transactions as required.


Functions and Responsibilities:

–       Prepares and arranges vouchers and invoices for the convenient reference and support of accounting records;

–       Classifies and post all accounts, establish and maintain control of expenses, and prepare other related statements as required;

–       Prepares all correspondence pertaining to financial reports, and solves bookkeeping problems arising in the course of the work.


–        Maintained book of accounts from shops, contractors, restaurants and small business entrepreneurs in the locality

–       Facilitated in the renewal of local and national taxes and licenses from the Bureau of Internal Revenue Office and in the City Treasurers’ office.





Ø  “Anti-Electricity and Electric Transmission Lines/Materials Pilferage Act of 1994”

Facilitated by:  Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative (SOLECO)

Place held:      SOLECO Multi-Purpose Building, Brgy. Soro-Soro, Maasin City,   Southern Leyte, Philippines

Date: August 13, 2015



Facilitated by:  National Confederation of Cooperatives – Education, Training and Consultancy Group (NCC-ETCG)

Place held:      OLAP Center Function Hall, Tunga-Tunga,  Maasin City,   Southern Leyte, Philippines

Date: June 5 – 6, 2015



Facilitated by:  National Confederation of Cooperatives – Education, Training and Consultancy Group (NCC-ETCG)

Place held:      Maasin City College Function Hall, MCC Building Tunga-Tunga,  Maasin City,   Southern Leyte, Philippines

Date: May 22 – 23, 2015



Facilitated by:  Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) and Philippine Rural  Electric Cooperatives Asssociation, Inc. (PHILRECA)

Place held:      Cebu Parklane International Hotel, Cebu City, Philippines

Date: November 20 -21, 2014





Facilitated by:  Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)

Place held:       SOLECO Multi-Purpose Hall, Maasin City, So. Leyte, Philippines

Date: November 19, 2014


Ø  Corporate Communication Writing For Success Seminar-Workshop

Facilitated by:  Router Philippines Market Research and Resource Management Center

Place held:      Quest Hotel, Cebu City, Philippines

Date: March 24, 2014



Facilitated by:  Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SOLECO, Inc.)

Place held:      SOLECO Multi-Purpose Hall, Brgy. Soro-Soro, Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines

Date: February 05, 2014



Facilitated by:  Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SOLECO, Inc.)

Place held:      SOLECO Multi-Purpose Hall, Brgy. Soro-Soro, Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines

Date: January 15 – 16, 2014


Ø  Training of Environmentally Sound Management of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

Facilitated by:  THE WORLD BANK, Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Environmental Management Bureau (DENR-EMB), GEF, ESD CHINA LIMITED &   INNOGY SOLUTIONS

Place held:      Sarrosa International Hotel and Residential Suites, Cebu City, Phil.

Date:  August 28 – 29, 2013


Ø  CAPEX AND OPEX PLANNING AND RATE MAKING under the Competency Training and Certification Program in Electric Power Distribution System Engineering

Facilitated by:  University of the Philippines-National Engineering Center

(UP-NEC) National Electrification Administration (NEA)

Place held:      National Engineering Center (NEC), University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman Quezon City, Philippines

Date:  July 22 – 24, 2013


Ø  Basic WESM Training

Facilitated by:  Wholesale Electricity Spot Market

Place held:      6th Floor, Skyrise I Building, Cebu IT Park, Lahug, Cebu City, Phil.

Date: July 16 – 17, 2013









Facilitated by:  Federation of Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. (FRECOR 8) &

National Electrification Administration (NEA)

Place held:      San Juanico Park, Golf and Country Club, Cabalawan Hills, Tacloban City, Philippines

Date: March 12 – 15, 2013


Ø  Workshop on the Conduct of National Inventory of POPs Contaminated Sites

Facilitated by:  AECOM & Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Environment Management Bureau (DENR-EMB)

Place held:      Harolds Hotel, Cebu City, Philippines

Date: November 7, 2012


Ø  2nd Regulatory Updates Conference (RUC) for Visayas and Mindanao Electric Cooperatives (ECs)

Facilitated by:  Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC)

Place held:      Imperial Palace Waterpark Resort and Spa, M.L. Quezon Highway, Maribago, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu, Philippines

Date: September 12 -13, 2012


Ø  Effective Governance of Philippine Electric Cooperatives:

Course on Credentialed Cooperative Director

Facilitated by:  Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP)

NRECA International Ltd.

US Agency International Development (USAID)

Place held:      The Oriental Leyte, Palo. Leyte, Philippines

Date: June 18-22, 2012


Ø  WESM 101 Training

Facilitated by:  Philippine Electricity Market Corporation (PEMC)

Place held:      SOLECO Multi-Purpose Hall, Soro-soro, Maasin City, Philippines

Date: November 15-16, 2011


Ø  Seminar-Workshop on Effective Business Writing

Facilitated by:  Philippine Rural Electric Cooperatives Association (PHILRECA)

Place held:      Sarabia Manor Hotel and Convention Center, Iloilo City, Philippines

Date: September 27-28, 2011


Ø  Seminar-Workshop on the Rules Governing the Tariff

Glide Path Pursuant to Article VII of the Rules for Setting

The Rural Electric Cooperatives’ Wheeling Rates


Facilitated by:  Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC)

Place held:      Sheridan Beach Resort, Sabang, Palawan Philippines

Date: June 7-9, 2011


Ø  Regulatory Updates conference for Distribution Utilities (DU’s)

Regulatory Compliance Officers (RCOs) and

Consumer Welfare Desk Officer (CWDOs)

Facilitated by:  Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC)

Place held:      Boracay Regency Beach Resort and Convention Center

Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan, Philippines

Date:  February 16-17, 2011



Ø  Institutional Services National Convention

Facilitated by:  National Electrification Administration (NEA)

Place held:      Peoples Development Academy (PDA)

CEBECO III Compound, Toledo City, Philippines

Date:  March 16-20. 2010


Ø  7th National Convention on Labor-Management Cooperation

Facilitated by:  PHILAMCOP and NCMB

Place held:      Waterfront Hotel, Lahug, Cebu City, Philippines

Date:  November 25-26, 2009


Ø  Labor-Management Cooperation (LMC) Seminar

Facilitated by:  DOLE-VIII and NCMB-VIII

Place held:      Super Cha Function Room, Tunga-tunga

Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines

Date:  October 1, 2009


Ø  Business Letter Writing Seminar

Facilitated by:  SOLECO Human Resources Skills Development

Place held:      Super Cha Function Room, Tunga-tunga

Maasin City, Southern Leyte, PHilippines

Date:  September 17, 2009


Ø  Conference on “Zero Accident Program: Key to Safe,

Healthy and Productive Workplaces”

Facilitated by:  Dept. of Labor and Employment (DOLE-OSHC)

Place held:      Marco Polo Plaza Hotel, Cebu City, Philippines

Date:  October 28, 2008


Ø  Institutional Services National Convention

Facilitated by:  National Electrification Administration (NEA)

Place held:       Peoples Development Academy (PDA)

CEBECO III Compound, Toledo City, Philippines

Date:  May 20-24, 2008


Ø  1st  Occupational Safety and Health Summit in the Visayas – “OSH in Human resource Development”

Facilitated by:  OSHC and DOLE Regions VI, VII & VIII

Place held:       Marco Polo Plaza Hotel, Cebu City, Philippines

Date:  October 11-12, 2007


Ø  Training/Workshop on the Enhancement of Performance

Of Environment Monitoring and Audit Functions of the

Multi-partite Monitoring Teams

Facilitated by:  Pollution Control Association of the Philippines, Inc

Region VIII Chapter (PCAPI-VIII)

DENR – Environmental Management Bureau

Regional Office No. VIII – (DENR-EMB)

Dimzon & Sons Consultancy Services, Ormoc City, Philippines

Place held:      Ormoc Villa Hotel, Ormoc City, Philippines

Date:  September 11-12, 2007






Ø  Seminar-Workshop on the Management of PCBs  for Electric Cooperatives

Facilitated by: Department of Environment & Natural Resources –

Environmental Management Bureau (DENR-EMB)

National Electrification Administration (NEA)

Place held:      Golden Peak Hotel, Cebu City, Philippines

Date:  July 18-21, 2006


Ø  Leadership, Culture & Management Seminar Workout
Facilitated by : National Electrification Administration (NEA)

Place held:      People’s Development Academy, (PDA)

CEBECO III Compound, Toledo City, Philippines

Date:  September 27 – October 1, 2005


Ø  6th National Conference-Workshop of Electric

Cooperative Internal Auditors

Facilitated by:  Philippine Association of Electric Cooperatives

Internal Auditors (PHILAECIA)

Place held:      Leyte Park Hotel, Tacloban City, Leyte, Philippines

Date:  June 27-29, 2000


Ø  5th National Conference-Workshop of Electric

Cooperative Internal Auditors

Facilitated by:  Philippine Association of Electric Cooperatives

Internal Auditors (PHILAECIA)

Place held:      Sugarland Hotel, Araneta St., Bacolod City

Negros Occidental, Philippines

Date:  October 20, 1999


Ø  Seminar on Warehouse Operation, Control and Inventory Management
Facilitated by: National Electrification Administration (NEA)

Place held;     Harbor View Hotel, Cebu City, Philippines

Date:  March 16-18, 1999


Ø  Total Quality Management Training for Improved

Productivity of Organized Firms

Facilitated by:  Juanito B. Geonzon, CESO IV                                                                                                                      Director, NCMB

Place held:      Ritz Tower de Leyte, Tacloban City, Philippines

Date:   October 29-30, 1998

November 9-10, 1998


Ø  2nd National Conference-Workshop of Internal Auditors

of Electric Cooperatives

Facilitated by: National Electrification Administration (NEA)

Place held:      Centerpoint Hotel, Cebu City, Philippines

Date:  October 2-4, 1996


Ø  Introductory Computer Training Course

Facilitated by: National Electrification Administration (NEA)

Place held:      Danarra Hotel, Quezon City, Philippines

Date:  November 13-17, 1995


October 2011  MASTERS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION – MBA at Saint Joseph College
March 1991  Bachelor of Science in Commerce - MAJOR IN ACCOUNTING at Saint Joseph College
March 1987  SECONDARY (HIGH SCHOOL) at Saint Joseph College


March 1, 2010 – May 15 2016 Member Services Development Section Head Institutional Services Development Department at Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SOLECO)
October 17, 2005 – February 28, 2010 General Services Section Head Institutional Services Development Department at Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SOLECO)
May 26, 2006 – May 15, 2016 Pollution Control Officer Institutional Services Development Department at Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SOLECO)
Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SOLECO) Auditor I - Office of the General Manager at Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SOLECO)
December 1992 – January 1994 Budgeting Aide at Department of Budget and Management (DBM)
June 1989 – March 1991 Bookkeeper at G.O.D. Accounting Firm