I am Amado L. Turla 51 years of age, my date of birth is January 19,1965. I am à Filipino citizen with 5 children. I presently working here in Saudi Arabia as an automotive machinist which is called also an engine rebuilding technician. My duty and responsibility is to grinding thé main and connecting journals of any engine crankshafts to give the exact under size diameter. I am using à crankshaft grinder maçhine. I can operate also à horizontal bore maçhine, surface grinder maçhine, cylinder head valve setting machine and honing machine.
General course
I pursued m’y studdies through home study since I got employed here in Saudi Arabia as à contract worker.
Completed my contract within 7 years of this company Toyota Motors
I have finished my contract within 3 years in this company Al Outha Industrial Co.
I have finished my contract within 5 years in this Establishment which is Arokon Al Hadeth Modern Machine Shop Saudi Arabia
M’y contract in this company is 2 years anytime I recieve job in Canada I am free to leave and grab thé best opportunity there which is m’y dream Country where is better to live bécasse of Its higher standard of living. With the help of “good hire’s” thanks