Managing culture(culturing) of maize(corn), pepper, onion, pepino.: seedbeds, sowing, transplants, preparation I occur, handle of plagues, diseases, suitable managing of agricultural pesticides, fertilization, crop.
Managing and maintenance of agricultural machinery as(like): motoguadaña, motisierras, lampas, machetes, etc.
Purchase and sales of agricultural inputs.
Managing personnel
Attention to the client
Managing of Microsoft scullery: Word, Excel, power point, Internet.
Basic knowledge of accounting
Basic managing of inventory
Good agricultural practices
Production and spread of plants(floors) across seeds, stakes, layers.
Production(Elaboration) of organic credits(subscriptions) and bioles
Baby of domestic animals: chickens, porks, calves: vaccination, supply(food), care.
Managing machine of milking: Knowledge of milking
chemical, biology,
Vegetable(Plant) reproduction, fertilization, managing pesticide or agrochemical, managing of plagues and vegetable(plant) diseases, vegetable(plant) nutrition.
Nutrition and managing of minor races like cows, porks, hens and fish(pitches)
vegetable reproduccion, fertilizer,
vegetables production
Managing agricultural of maize(corn), pepper, onion, pepino.: seedbeds, sowing, transplants, preparation I occur, handle of plagues, diseases, suitable managing of agricultural pesticides, fertilization, crop.