Resume, Passport, NBI, Recommendation letters, Certificates of Training (CPR, Bedside sitting) , Transcript of Records ( Form 137 School Records) Diploma.
Anita Arban is 94 years old and she a mild stroke, ambulatory, assisting her for, bath, preparing her food, walking exercise, accompanied her going to church, watching TV together.,
My daily duties such as taking care of the kids cleaning, ironing, preparing foods,
Taking care also of the two elderly women inside the house.
Sir Allan’s mother has an ovarian cancer, assisting her in the toilet preparing her stuff for bath and administering her medication.
Ma’am Polly’s mother has an Osteoporosis, assisting her to the toilet, bathing, preparing her food, administering medications, changing clothes.
Ms. Tessie Tomas 64 years old (TV Host Personality ) she has a double hips surgery… Among my duties, assisting her in the toilet preparing her stuff for bath, preparing food, help her from bed to wheelchair, accompanied her for Dr’s tour. Administering medications.
Mrs Edythe, suffered from BLD, diabetic, and heart disease,
My duties are, CBG twice a day, insulin shoots twice a day, preparing kosher meals, giving her a bath, changing diaper, administering medication, feeding her, accompanied her for Dr’s tour and watching TV together, put her favorite music, accompanied her going to the synagogue, bring to the park, doing basic exercises every day, walking and some her physiotherapy.