
Aziz Douissi professor and technician of medical analysis laboratory


Aziz Douissi

– Date of birth: 01/01/1993

– Family situation: Single

– Address: Park errahma Gh01 Imm04 App 01 / Casablanca – Morocco

– Phone: +2126 05 84 19 53

– E-mail: [email protected]



–   2018: Diploma in Secondary Education, Regional Center for Education and Training El Jadida.

–   2015: Graduate degree in Life Science, General Biology Option, University of Hassan 2; Faculty of Sciences Ain Chok Casablanca.

–   2014: General university degree in Life sciences University of Hassan 2; Faculty of Sciences Ain Chok Casablanca.

–   2013: 1st year at University of Hassan 2; Faculty of Sciences Ain Chok Casablanca.

–   2012: Bachelor’s degree in experimental sciences, life and earth sciences option, IDRISS I High School, Agdez.


– 2020: Professor of biology and geology sciences at the Secondary Cycle qualifying

– 2019: Professor of biology and geology sciences at the Secondary Cycle qualifying

–   2017: Versatile technician at the medical analysis laboratory, TOUZANI laboratory

–   2016: Professor of biology and geology sciences, Errachidia private school.

–   2016: Internship 1 month at the laboratory of medical analysis, ORBIO laboratory.


–   Preparation of equipment, environments culture, solutions, samples

–   Biochemical analyzes (assays, gas chromatography …)

–   study the biochemical reactions and the nature of the chemical constituents of living beings and the substances they produce …


–   Microbiological analyzes (total floras, Gram stains …)

–   Sterilization of the material (autoclave)

–   Bactrian culture (competent bacteria) …


–   Elisa test, grouping.

–   Realization of analyzes on automata

–   Realization of manual analyzes: HIV, protein electrophoresis, immunofixation

Molecular biology:

–   DNA / RNA extraction

–   Study techniques of PCR, electrophoresis, Western Blot, Southern Blot

– Study blood cells to determine their relationship with various disorders physiological or pathological …


–   Analyze and interpret biological information

–   Identify genes and predict their functions

– drawing of primers …

– 2011: Member of JCI Association