first name is bak last name is danso birth 01 01 1987 born in Gambia city Banjul living in Italian Milan address is a viale isonzo 11 Milan Lodi state Italian code 20135 work experience good 10 year experience working with mean company program work with experience I do have now is a white house job and airport job and suppormarket job and help job and package job and delivery job and kitchen work and sales manager job and marketing job and pick up job and search job development manager job and I be working with a mean job experience for 10 good year experience now I am student studying now so and I am looking for a job right now to work all information about my experience working in Canada now just to come to Canada to work anything good for went yes I am in there login login experience if you believe me it is working just fine information now you well see me in Canada now for so thank you so much a BAK danso good for anything urgent to come to Canada now
Study language classes program grand computer courses
I just need travel documents PASSPORT CARD to travel to Canada to find my dream job to work in Canada I do have a mean job experience to work in Canada