*2019: One month internship at the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission “CEA” Paris-France: Determination of excitonic properties in the case of the TiSe2 monolayer using the second quantization theory.
*2019: Direct and indirect exciton in transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC): International Nanosmat Rabat Marrocco conference
Determination of the binding energies of direct excitons in the case of a WSe2 monolayer which is a direct band gap semiconductor at points (± K) in the Brillouin zone, as well as those of indirect excitons in the case of a monolayer of 1T-TiSe2 which shows that it has an indirect gap, forming a conduction band at point M and a valence band at point Γ.
*2015-2019: Master of Research in Physics of Materials and Applications: Internship carried out of six months within the LPMSP. The subject of my Master is: ‘’Contribution to the study of excitonic complexes in transition metal dichalcogenides‘’. Diploma obtained at F.S.B; Mention ‘’ honors ‘’.
*2012-2014: Bachelor’s degree in General Physics: Diploma obtained at F.S.B; Mention ‘’ Pass grade ‘’.
*2009: Bachelor’s degree (Baccalaureate) of Mathematics.