
Catalina S. Lagrisola Agricultural

Can perform any assign task given by our superior.. fast learner

Name: Catalina S. Lagrisola

Birthday: Nov. 25, 1982

Age: 36

Sex: female

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: single

Father: Felomino L. Lagrisola

Mother: Perlita S. Lagrisola

  • EducationalBackground

Elementary: Lian Central School

Year graduated: 1996

HighSchool: Lian Institute

Year graduated: 2000

College: BSU Nasugbu

Vocational: Bacheclor of industrial technology

Year graduated: 2004

  • Character Reference

Lea Ann S. Raña

Lady guard


2000/2004 BIT-CpET major in computer, industrial tech. at BSU Nasugbu

Willing to render overtine if really needed..


March 2005 up to present Production operator at Toshiba

Job description:
Packer, weigher, FVI, material handler.

Sept 2004/ Feb. 2005 Human Resource development assistant reliever at LAMCOR

Job description:
Hiring newly applicant, give their a lot of exam to test their mind abilities., Give their initial interview.