
Charles Wadaagu Teacher/Project Manager

Kampala, Uganda
• Programme/Project Related Management Skills I severed as Volunteer Programme Officer of Kamuli Network of NGOs for two yearsand had a hand in fund raising and in Building Sustainable Partnerships. Above allant Vice Chancellors at the Summit International Institute in Burundi. Previouslyas well as author of three Novels and a Collection of my Poetry. I am well trained in Project Planning and ManagementBusiness Book-Keeping and AccountsConferencing and EnterpriseCONSULTANCYdeliver training workshops/coursesEducation and Research among other fields. I have written several Project/Programme Proposalsevaluate trainingFacilitator of Kamuli Adult Education Association for three yearshaving served as Regional English Language Teacher Mentor in the Republic of Rwandahuman resource managementI gained significant experience in Education Management. Above allI have additional other relevant training in Adult EducationI have had the privilege of Heading the Department of English/Literature in English. While still serving as Head of DepartmentI was among the panel members for analyzing the performance of students after the examination was done. • Quality Assurancemade Needs Assessmentsmoderate and mark examinations for the courses I teach. As wellobserve and provide feedback on lessonsOperations ManagementProject Planning and Management and Guidance and CounsellingPublic Administration and ManagementPublicationsSecretary of Kamuli District Secondary Teachers In-Service AssociationSocial Work StudiesThe Radical Opium of Secular SociologyThe Secret Opium of Secular AnthropologyWrite objectives for training



Charles Wadaagu D.Div, PhD

1. Personal details
Surname: Wadaagu

Gender: Male

First Names: Charles

Nationality: Ugandan

Date of Birth: 20/08/1964

Email: [email protected]


C/O The Kings School, Bujumbura

BP  1560, Bujumbura


+256 774376174


+256 780684973

2. Key skills/Competencies
Programme/Project Related Management Skills
I severed as Volunteer Programme Officer of Kamuli Network of NGOs for two years, Facilitator of Kamuli Adult Education Association for three years, Secretary of Kamuli District Secondary Teachers In-Service Association, Facilitator and in some cases Consultant to many NGOs and Community Based Organisations in Uganda and Currently Consultant to the David Livingstone Missions Training Centre of East Africa (based in Burundi). I am the Main Author of Efficient Social Work/Welfare Administration and Co-author of Strategic Social Work for National Development, The Secret Opium of Secular Anthropology, The Radical Opium of Secular Sociology, as well as author of three Novels and a Collection of my Poetry. I am well trained in Project Planning and Management, Social Work Studies, Human Resource Management, Operations Management, Education and Research among other fields. I have written several Project/Programme Proposals, made Needs Assessments, and had a hand in fund raising and in Building Sustainable Partnerships. Above all, I am a Certified International Management Consultant as well as a Certified International Project Manager.

Teaching- related Skills
I have been an English Language/Literature in English Teacher at High School for about twenty years.  I set, moderate and mark examinations for the courses I teach. As well, I have had the privilege of Heading the Department of English/Literature in English.  While still serving as Head of Department, I was among the panel members for analyzing the performance of students after the examination was done.

Quality Assurance, Monitoring and Evaluation of Education
I do have skills and experience of Monitoring and Evaluation of Education Programs and

Activities. I have experience in developing protocols for quality assurance and


I have experience in carrying out customer survey services in the school. I have provided                                                                                                                                   l              leadership in strategic planning in the schools I have worked.


Training-related skills
I am able to analyse training needs, Write objectives for training, deliver training workshops/courses, evaluate training, observe and provide feedback on lessons, and to mentor other teachers.


Teacher Mentoring Skills
I served as Regional School-Based English Language Teacher Mentor in the Republic of Rwanda as well as a Teacher Trainer in English for Classroom Instruction. I therefore have skills to teach English both as a Foreign Language and to people for whom it is a Seconds Language and can handle small and large classes up to thirty or even beyond. I can also work with a wide variety of ability in classes. Besides, I am a teacher mentor!


The skills discussed above have enabled me to further develop the following transferable skills;


Classroom management
Working without photocopier/textbooks/video etc.
Producing own teaching resources
Evaluating and adapting existing teaching materials
Working with large class sizes (30 plus)
Working with a wide variety of ability in a class (mixed ability)
Lesson planning
Following a formal exam or national syllabus closely
Informal assessment and target setting for students
Monitoring and evaluating own performance
Support for students in their personal lives (pastoral)
Child-centred methodology
Working with those for whom English is a second language
The educational establishment and the wider community context
I have been involved in mobilizing communities for change and education is a very important Vehicle for social change. I have therefore developed experience and expertise in the

Following transferable skills;

Identifying community needs
Facilitation skills
Facilitating community participation
Managing change
·         Working with other organisations/NGOs


Education Management Skills

I serve as current Director of the Centre for Research, Consultancy, Publications, Conferencing and Enterprise, ant Vice Chancellors at the Summit International Institute in Burundi. Previously, I served as Secondary School Head teacher for four years and as High School Careers Master for three years. I was also privileged to serve as Head of Department; English Language and Literature in English concurrently for more than four years. In addition, having served as Regional English Language Teacher Mentor in the Republic of Rwanda, I gained significant experience in Education Management. Above all, I have additional other relevant training in Adult Education, Public Administration and Management, Human Resource Management, Business Book-Keeping and Accounts, Project Planning and Management and Guidance and Counselling

3. Education
In addition to the information provided below, I am a holder of an Hon. PhD in Literature from Cosmopolitan University and Research Institute, USA. I am also a holder of an Hon. Doctor of Divinity from St. Luke Evangelical School of Biblical Studies. Besides, I have also done short Certificate Courses in Public Administration, Peace and Conflict Management, Disaster Preparedness and Management, Project Planning and Management, Human Resource Management, Guidance and Counselling, and  Diploma Courses in Business Book-Keeping and Accounts, and Manufacturing and Product Design.



From Sept 2015, (Diploma in Risk Management) Alison-Ireland, Europe

April 2016

Modules Covered
·         The Nature of Risks – Losses and gains

·         Evolving Risk Management

·         Fundamental Tools Insurance Operations

·         Insurance contracts

·         Property Risk Management
·         Liability  Risk Management

·         Introduction to Life Cycle Risks

·         Introduction to Social Security

·         Introduction to Life Insurance

·         Introduction to Insurance

From Sept 2015 ALISON (Diploma in Business and Legal Studies), Ireland, Europe

To April 2016

Modules Covered
·         Corporate Management

·         Human Resource Management

·         Operations Management

·         Accounting
·         Financial Accounting

·         Types of Laws

·         How Laws are created

·         The Adversary Legal System

·         Legal Procedures

From Oct 2015 ALISON (Diploma in Legal Studies), Ireland, Europe

To March 2016

Modules Covered
·         Types of Laws

·         How Laws are created
·         The Adversary Trial System

·         Legal Procedures

From Oct 2015 ALISON (Diploma in Quality Management), Ireland, Europe.

To March 2016 Modules Covered:

Modules Covered
·         Introduction to Quality Management

·         Understanding Cost of Quality and Total Quality Management Tools
·         Introduction to Quality Standards

·         Service Quality and Service Industries



From Oct 2015 ALISON (Diploma in Basic English Grammar), Ireland, Europe

To March 2016

Modules Covered
·         Introduction to Grammar

·         Punctuation

·         Parts of Speech

·         The Past Tense
·         The Present tense and Passive Tenses

·         Comparing Tenses 1

·         Comparing Tenses 2

·         Sentence Structure

From  July 2015 ALISON (Cert in Teaching English as a Second Language), Ireland, Europe

To Sept 2015


Modules Covered
·         The Learner

·         Student Comprehension
·         Teaching and Assessing


From Mar 2015   ALISON (Diploma in English Language and Literature), Ireland, Europe.

To Sept 2015

Modules Covered
·         English Writing Skills

·         Fundamentals of English Grammar

·         Speaking and Writing English Effectively
·         English Literature Analysis

·         Shakespeare – His Life and Works


From  Aug 2015 ALISON (Cert; Instructional Planning for Successful Teaching), Ireland, Europe

To Sept  2015

Modules Covered
·         Selecting General Learning Goals

·            Formulating Educational Objectives

·         Web Resources

·         Students as a Source of Instructional Goals Enhancing Students  Learning

·         Creating bridges between Goals and Experience




From March 2015 ALISON (Diploma in Educational Psychology), Ireland, Europe.

To August 2015

Modules Covered
·         Introduction to the Learning Process

·         Behaviourism

·         Constructivism

·         Introduction to Special Education

·         Learning Disabilities

·         Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

·         Intellectual Disabilities

·         Behavioural Disorders
·         Student Development

·         Physical Development

·         Cognitive Development

·         Social Development

·         Moral Development

·         Student Diversity

·         Gender Differences

·         Cultural Differences

·         Physical Disabilities and Sensory Impairments

From March 2015 ALISON (Diploma in Modern Human Resource Management) Ireland, Europe.

To Aug 2015


Modules Covered
·         The role of Human Resource Management

·         Developing Strategic Human Resource Plans

·         Diversity and Multiculturalism

·         Introduction to Recruitment

·         Interviewing and Selection
·         Training and Development

·         Successful Employee Communication

·         Managing Employee Performance

·         Employee Assessment

·         Compensation and Benefits

·         Retention and Motivation

·         Safety and Healthcare

From Jan 2015 to   ALISON (Diploma in Children’s Studies), Ireland, Europe.

Aug 2015

Modules Covered
·         Exploring Children’s Learning

·         Exploring Children’s Learning- Reading Materials

·         The role play in Children’s learning

·         Children’s rights and participation

·         What do we mean by family

·         Parenting and toddlers- teaching and learning at home
·         Involving the family in supporting pupil’s learning

·         Caring –a family affair

·         Introduction to social work

·         Responding to children’s need

·         Young people’s wellbeing – working with young people

·         Components of good practice- knowledge, social work progress, values and ethics, using senses

·         The developing child Protecting the child

From Mar 2015    ALISON (Diploma in Human Resources), Ireland, Europe

To Aug 2015

Modules Covered
·         Human Resources Mgt

·         HR  Consultants

·         Job design and pay

·         Recruitment process

·         Selection process

·         Interview techniques
·         Training and appraisal

·         Business culture

·         Business ethics

·         Employee motivation

·         Employee relations

·         Managing change

From Mar 2015   ALISON (Diploma in Operations Management), Ireland

To Jul 2015

Modules Covered
·         What is Operational Management

·         Development of Operation Management

·         The Operations Manager

·         The Transformation Model
·         The Boundary of the Operations System

·         Operations Management Strategies

·         Applying Operations Management

·         Inventory and Quality Management

From Jan 2015- Alison (Certificate in Modern Human Resource Management, Training and Induction), Ireland, Europe.

July 2015

Modules Covered
·         Retention and motivation

·         Costs of turnover

·         Retention plans

·         Implementing retention strategies

·         Training and development

·         Steps to take in training an employee
·         Types of training

·         Training delivery methods

·         Designing a training programme

·         Successful employee communication

·         Communication strategies

·         Management styles





From –July 2014   ALISON (Diploma in Social Work Studies), Ireland, Europe.

To June 2015)

Modules Covered
·         Introduction to social work

·         What is Social Work?

·         The need of service user

·         Case study Redcar and Cleveland mind

·         Four Components of Good Practice (Knowledge, social work process and values and   Ethics)

·         Four Components of good practice-knowledge

·         Four components of good practice-social works process

·         Four components of good practice-values and Ethics

·         Four Components of good practice-social work skills

·         Four components good practice, social work skills –using the sense

·         Social work skills – thinking skills

·         Social work skills-combining thinking skills and the sense

·         Social work skills –managing information

·         Social Work practice

·         Responding to Children’s needs

·         Critical practice in social work

·         Evidence and Argument in social sense


From  July 2014      ALISON (Diploma in Project Management), Ireland, Europe

To June 2015

Modules Covered
·         Project Management Overview

·         Project Management ready Material

·         Project management Methodology, Toolset and Documentation

·         Project Management Methodology

·         Project management toolset

·         Decision making ready material
·         Project management project life cycle

·         Systems Development Lifecycle

·         The Planning Phase

·         The Analysis Phase

·         The Implementation Phase

·         The Use/Evaluation Phase

·         Project Life Cycle Reading Material

·         Documentation

·         Project Management Feasibility Material

·         Project Management

From July 2014         ALISON (Diploma in Teaching Skills For Educators), Ireland,  Europe.

To June 2015)


Modules Covered
·         Communication in the classroom

·         Effective verbal and non verbal communication

·         Structure of Participation

·          Using Classroom Talk to Stimulate Skills for Education

·          Institutional Planning for Successful Teaching

·         Students as a Source of Instructional goals
·         Enhancing Student Learning

·         Creating bridges between Goals and Experience

·         Behaviour and Goals as Motivation Sources

·         Motivation related to Attributions and Interest

·         Self Efficacy

·         Self Determination

·         Combining Motivation Theories Selecting General Learning Goals

From Jan 2003 –  Education Institution (St. Barnabas Vocational Institute,

To Dec 2004           Kampala, Uganda E. Africa

Full title of Qualification (Diploma in Early Childhood Education), Second Class Upper


Course Description
·         Principles and Practices in Early Childhood Education

·         Child Psychology

·         Socialization in Early Childhood

·         Child growth and Development

·         Study skills and livelihood

·         Philosophy of Early Childhood Education

·         Child care Delivery

·         Health, Safety and Nutrition

·         Religious Education in Early Childhood

·         Art, Music and Language development

·         Methods and Approaches for Early Childhood Education

·         Early Childhood Instructional Technology

·         Curriculum Planning and Design
·         Teaching Mathematics, Reading and Handwriting in Early Childhood

·         Physical Education for Early Childhood

·         Infant and Toddler Learning Environment

·         Internship

·         Computer Operations for Early Childhood Educators

·         Management of Early Childhood Education

·         Oral Health Practices

·         Early Childhood Special treatment needs

·         Research Studies in Early Childhood Education

·         The Child as a Psychologist

·         Early Childhood Education Professional Ethics

G.P.A 3.8

C.G.P.A  3.62

From October 1996 – Education institution (Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda,

To June 1998             East Africa)

Full title for Qualification (Diploma in Adult Education), grade Two.


Course Description
Introduction to Adult Education
Adult Education Theories and Practices
Designing, Implementing and Evaluating Adult
Education Programmes

Research Methodology

Programme Specialities (Basic Education and
Literacy, and Workers Education)Special  Skills and Career Areas
Adult Education and Development
Supervised Field Work/Research Project
From Sept 1994 – Education institution (Institute of Teacher Education, Kyambogo,

to July 1996          Uganda, E. Africa)


Full title for qualification (Diploma in Education, Secondary), Majors, English Double Main (English Language and Literature), Grade: Two


Subjects Covered
Development Studies
Educational Psychology
English Main i ( English Language Teaching)
English Main ii (Literature in English Teaching)
School (Teaching) Practice
From March 1984 – Education Institution (Eastern College of Advanced Studies, Jinja,
To March 1987          Uganda, E.A)
Full title of Qualification (Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education)


From Feb 1980 – Education Institution (St. James Secondary School, Jinja, Uganda, E.A)

To Dec 1983        Full title of qualification (Uganda Certificate of Education)


From March 1972 – Education Institution (Naminage Mixed Primary School, Uganda, E.A)

To Nov 1979            Full title of qualification ( Primary Leaving Examination)


4. Professional Experience
In addition to the roles below, I have served as Consultant to various NGOs including Kamuli Network of NGOs (Uganda), Good Neighbours Development Foundation (Uganda), Bright Kids Uganda), Busoga Peace Development Initiative (Uganda), Good Samaritan Charity and Development Foundation (Uganda), and; currently, the David Livingston Missions Training Centre of East Africa (Burundi). In 2002, I was associated with the Ugandan National Council for Science and Technology and the African Technology Policy Studies Network and was part of the Uganda delegation at the latter’s Annual Symposium of 2002 held in Abuja, Nigeria. In October 2000, I had been privileged to lead the St. Andrews Church, Naminage for Christian Fellowship in the UK in Scotland and England. In 2003, I led the Kamuli Network of NGOs for a meeting held in the UK with Keystone Initiatives (UK) on the Subject of Networking and Partnership of Building Projects. In 2004, I was Kamuli Network of NGOs’ Chief Negotiator for a Training Partnership with CrisCroft Training (UK) at a meeting held in Oxford, United Kingdom. I also do pat-time University Lecturing Work at the Summit International Institute where I teach English, Project Planning and Management, and Production and Operations Management as well as serve as Consultant/Editor to the University proposed Scientific Journal which will register its first publication in 2018. At the above University, I also serve as the Director of the Centre for Research, Publications, Conferencing and Enterprises.


From 2018        Deputy Vice Chancellor; Summit International Institute, Burundi.

To date


Sept 2014           Employer name and type The Kings School, Bujumbura, Burundi          To   2017         (Christian English-Speaking International School).

Here, I teach English Language and Literature.



From-to (Sept/2012 to Sept 2013)
Employer name and type- Rwanda Education Board, School-Based English Language Teacher Mentor, The Republic of Rwanda
Job title (Full-time)

AS Mentor, I mainly discharged duties and responsibilities aimed at:


·         Supporting Teachers for Professional Development

Collecting information and giving feedback on Classroom Teaching
Improving English Language Proficiency at the School
Helping teachers to improve the Management of Classroom Environment
Improving Teaching/Learning Practices
From-To (June 2002, Dec 2010)




































From-To (Jan 1999= Dec 2001)
Employer name and type; Ministry of Education and Sports, Kigulu College, Uganda
Job Title (Full-time)


Summary of duties in bullet points including main achievements

·                     To teach English Language /Literature in English

·                     Monitor and Evaluate the Learning process, set tests, examinations, assignments, and homework, group and individual exercises.

·                     Make Schemes of Work, Lesson Plans, Activity Schedules and follow approved curriculum.

·                     Organize debating, drama, writing competitions and quiz for the learners.

·                     As Head of Department; English Language/Literature in English, I had to ensure that all teachers in the Department have Approved Schemes of Work, Lesson Plans, follow Approved Curriculum and organize remedial lessons where necessary.

·                     Write minutes for all teaching staff meetings

·                     As Careers Master; I enthusiastically but professionally guided and counselled students, parents and teachers.

·                     Set Examinations for Iganga District Joint Mock Examinations Board.

·                     Serve as Secretary to the School Discipline Committee as well as to the Procurement Committee.

·                     Liaise with other teachers to promote a proper and conducive learning environment at the school.

·                     Promote the good image of the school.


Major Achievements included

Improving the infrastructure of the school
Better enrolment
Lower incidence of School drop=out rate
Improved Learner Achievement
Building of Networks and Partnership with schools in Uganda and the United Kingdom
Employer name and type: Busoga Diocese, St. Andrews Secondary School, Uganda

Head teacher = Full Time

Summary of duties and Main Achievements

Supervise all the staff of the school
Responsible for the Day-to-day proper running of the school
Coordinate the Parents/Teachers Association and Board of Governors
Accounting officer of the School
Budgeting for the school and implementing the school projects and programs
Ensuring that teachers teach the Approved Curriculum and have Schemes of Work, Lesson Plans and that Heads of Department have Work Plans
Ensuring that there is proper and conducive  Learning atmosphere at the school
Ensuring that all stakeholders of the school are mobilized to contribute to development and fulfil their duties and obligations
Guide and counsel students, teachers and parents
Act as Secretary to the Board of Governors and Parents Teachers Association
Represent the school at Official Functions and to the community and parents
Chief Representative of the Ministry of Education and Sports at the school
Liaise with all stakeholders to promote and enhance education in the community
Build a good image of the school
Teach English Language, Literature in English and General Paper
To Monitor and Evaluate Learning at the school
From = To ( Jan 1996 to Dec 1998
Employer name and type: Bugabula Secondary School, Uganda


Head Teacher/Principal = Full Time

The duties and responsibilities were similar to those performed at St. Andrews Secondary School

5. Other relevant experience
·      Trained teachers in Rwanda in English for Classroom Instruction, Nov=Dec 2009

·      Served as Secretary to Kamuli District Secondary Teacher’ In=Service Association, Uganda

·      Served as Volunteer Facilitator for Literacy (Basic and Functional) at Kamuli Adult Education Association



·      The Lion Shall lie with the Lamb: Publisher, Feed A Read, UK

·      Sunrise at Midnight; Publisher, Feed A Read, UK

·      Love Unbound by Seasons, Publisher, Feed A Read, UK

·      In Tight Corners of Life: Publisher, Just Fiction, VDM, Germany

·      The Secret Opium of Secular Anthropology; Publisher, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany (Co=Author)

·      Efficient Social Work/Welfare Administration; Publisher, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany (Main Author)

·      Strategic Social Work for National Development; publisher,  Feed A Read, UK (Co-author)

·      The Radical Opium of Secular Sociology; Publisher, Feed A Read, UK (Co-author)

·      Has written several poems published on the internet and been nominated an Honorary Member of the International Society of Poets


Work in Progress

·      Seasons in my Grooming (A novel)

·      Born to Love (A Novel)


6. Additional skills

·         English = Fluent

·         Swahili = Basic

·         Luganda = Fluent

·         Lusoga   = Fluent

·         Kirundi = Basic

·         Ikinyarwanda – Basic


Computer skills

·         Introduction to Computer

·         Microsoft Word

·         Microsoft Excel

Driving licence(s)

Available for Class B and CM but requires renewal

7. Interests
·         Reading  Fiction mainly Novels and Plays

·         Reading and Writing Poetry, Fiction and Creative Non fiction

·         Watching and Listening to Gospel Music

8. Memberships of professional organisations/institutes and trade unions
·         Member, San Francisco Writers Association, USA

·         Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science and Human Rights, USA

·         Member, Africa Book Club

·         Member, Science and Development Network

·         Member, Good Neighbours Development Foundation

·         United Nations Online Volunteer



I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information I have provided in this Curriculum Vitae is a true description of my academic, professional and career accomplishments, skills and abilities.


October 1996 to June 1998 Diploma in Adult Education at Makerere University

Course Description
• Introduction to Adult Education
• Adult Education Theories and Practices
• Designing, Implementing and Evaluating Adult
Education Programmes
• Research Methodology
• Programme Specialities (Basic Education and
• Literacy, and Workers Education)Special Skills and Career Areas
• Adult Education and Development
• Supervised Field Work/Research Project

September 1994 to July 1996 Diploma in Education at Kyambogo University

Subjects Covered
• Development Studies
• Education
• Educational Psychology
• English Main i ( English Language Teaching) • English Main ii (Literature in English Teaching)
• School (Teaching) Practice