
Christopher M. Teope Food server

Good in public relationSales and Marketing

Christopher M. Teope

89 Goneales Subd., Abangan Sur,

Marilao, Bulacan 3019 (Philippines)


4 months till present experience as staff

5 months experince in human resource

10 yrs up experience in food industry in mgt team

10 yrs up experience in teaching highschool, elem and college level.

With a total of 1 yr to 2 yrs experience in sale

1 yr experience as school guidance


2000-2002 Can speak english good in persuing others. Knows hpw to handle a certain number of staff. Knows how to handle individual personality and at International Academy of Mgt. and Economics
1997-2001 Good in public relation sales marketing. at San sebastian College Recoletos de Mla.