Devon Foote
Herford District
Petersfield P.O
Tel: (876) 430-6212
Email: [email protected]
Objective: A highly motivated individual who strives to achieve excellence in whatever I do.
I believe in continuous professional development and will always use my skill in
Such a manner that benefits the organization that I am affiliated with.
Qualification: Petersfield Vocational Training Centre
(September 14, 2015 – September 25, 2016)
NCTVET Certificate
Level 2 Motor Vehicle Repair
(Cars and Light Trucks)
Petersfield High School
(September 10, 2007 – June 25, 2013)
School leaving Certificate
Work Experience: Secure World Co- Operation
(March 16, 2017- August 24 2018)
Security Officer
24, Bogue City Centre, Montego-Bay
Westmoreland Parish Library
(August 2012)
Junior Librarian (3 weeks, National Youth Service Program)
108 Great George Street, Savanna-La-Mar
(876) 955-2795
Larmond’s Photo Studio & Limited
(June 2014 – December 2014)
Store Clerk
38 Great George Street, Savanna-La-Mar
(876) 955-2887
Young’s Service Centre Limited
(November 2016-February 2017)
Training Auto Mechanic
133 Darling Street, Savanna-La-Mar
(876) 955-3751
Award & Recognition: Trainee of the Month
(November 2015)
Petersfield Vocational Training Centre
Trainee of the Quarter
(September – December 2015)
Petersfield Vocational Training Centre
It was an great experience as I’ve gather much knowledge in the area of wheel balancing,Vehicle allinement, and servicing vehicle’s