
Djibril Jurist

ExcelINFORMATIc skills : Internet Explorerlanguage : Français : Bilingue ; Anglais : Bonne maitrise ; Arabe : Bonne maitrise. Somali : Bilingue ( langue maternelle ).OutlookPowerPointWord

M’y name is Djibril i am 24 years old , I took my law degree last year and i searching for a job during heights month’s .this is why I present my condidature for this position to the close of your company to come to work in the United States.
Waiting for In the meantime, please accept, Madam, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.



From 2016/2017 to 2018/2019 Degree at Université de Djibouti

2016/2017: 11,13
2017/2018: 11,87
2018/2019: 11,04


From 23/07/2019 to 05/09/2019 court judgment writer and court clerk at Ministry of Justice