
Dr.Sujeewa Polgampala Teacher Educator

strong leadershipSupervisory.Research cordinator


Teacher Educator/Teacher Trainer/Researcher

++94718506379/+94 332279220

[email protected]

[email protected]




Personal Profile

• Accomplished career demonstrating consistent success as an Administrator and Educator at the secondary and higher education levels. Outstanding track record in assuring student success.

• Seasoned in conceiving and building programs from the ground up through proven competencies in professional development program management, and staff development and empowerment.

• Extensive background of developing and implementing special programs for at-risk and special needs students, racially and ethnically diverse populations, and second-language learners.

• Effective communicator with excellent planning, organizational, and negotiation strengths as well as the ability to lead, reach consensus, establish goals, and attain results.Highly developed skills in problem identification and implementation of effective solutions.

• Comfortable with analyzing and understanding data, working under time pressure and presenting myself in a professional manner. Excellent inter-personal communication and social skills built through extensive training with the Samaritans.

• A friendly, mature and flexible individual with a proven entrepreneurial approach towards objectives and tasks.Demonstrated the ability to complete tasks accurately despite interruptions and competing demands.

• An accomplished Educator with expertise in higher education and demonstrated success in the development of students.Extensive experience in the creation and design of successful student programs with a track record of delivering positive results.Proven ability to build innovative programs and coursework that foster learning and meet the needs of a diverse group.


Areas of expertise in conduction programme

Professional Development
Attitude Development
Research Methodology
Teacher Education
Carrier Guidance

Personal Attribute


Selects and uses multiple teaching and learning strategies to encourage

students  in critical thinking and problem solving
Classroom observation,research as sources for evaluating the outcomes of

teaching and learning and as a basis for experimenting with, reflecting on and

revising practice.
Uses professional literature, colleagues and other resources to support self     development as a learner and as a teacher educator.
Consults with professional colleagues within the school and other

professional arenas as support for reflection, problem-solving and new ideas,

actively sharing         experiences and seeking and giving feedback.
Selects approaches that provide opportunities for different performance

Accesses appropriate services or resources to meet exceptional learning

Adjusts instruction to accommodate the learning differences or needs of

students encourages students to assume responsibility for identifying and

using learning resources.
Assumes different roles in the instructional process (instructor, facilitator,

coach to accommodate content, purpose, and learner needs.
Links with counselors, teachers of other classes and activities within the

school, professionals in community agencies, and others in the community to

support students’ learning and well-being.
Seeks to establish cooperative partnerships with parents/guardians to support

students learning.

Educational Qualifications
B.Sc -University of Kelaniya   -1995-1998
Advanced Diploma in English for Academic & Administrative Purposes-University of Colombo 1998-1999
M.Sc  in Science Education -University of Peradeniya  -2009-2011
Trained English Teacher -Teacher Training 2000-2002
Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language-University of Colombo -2003-2004
Post Graduate Diploma n Educational Management(Merit)- 2013-2014
PhD -Doctor of Philosophy in Education(Specialized in Higher Education

( Huazhong University of Science & Technology ,China-2015-2018)

2016 Excellent Volunteer Award 2016-Huazhong University of Science & Technology ,China
2017 Excellent Volunteer Award 2017-Huazhong University of Science & Technology ,China
University Official Representative for International students

Research Publications


1. Polgampala A.S.V & Wickramasinghe Seetha I.(2012).Bilingual Education in Sri Lanka and Perspectives of prospective Teachers in Science Education:a preliminary study.Educational perspectives Vol.1No.1(5-16)Ministry of Education,Sri Lanka


2. Polgampala A.S.V & Wickramasinghe Seetha I.(2013).Bilingual Education in Sri Lanka and Perspectives of prospective Teachers towards social cohesion, proceedings of IOCES (Indian Ocean Comparative Education Society),3rd conference:Challenging Education for Future Change,Khon Kean University,Thailand 21-23 rd January ,2013

Polgampala A.S.V, Hong Shen & Fang Huang (2016).The Impact on Teaching through 5Model:Perspectives of Prospective Teachers in Teaching Science in Secondary Schools in Gampaha District,Sri Lanka.Educational perspectives Vol.5.No1(33-47)Ministry of Education,Sri Lanka


4. Polgampala A.S.V,Hong Shen& Fang Huang (2016)Where we are and where we need to be:Pre service teacher training in China & Sri Lanka .American Journal of Educational Research Vol. 4, No. 16, 2016, pp 1138-1144. doi: 10.12691/education-4-16-3 Case Report


5. Polgampala A.S.V,Hong Shen & Fang Huang (2016)STEM Teacher Education and Professional Development and training: Challengers and Trends,Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-12, 2016 ISSN: 2454-1362,


6. Polgampala A.S.V,Hong Shen(2016).Excelling 21st Century Competencies of Education through Problem Based Learning: Trends and challenges,conference:XVI World Congress of Education Societies:Beijing Normal University,China .WCCS 2016


7. Polgampala A.S.V, Fang Huang(2017)teachers are the propellers in bolstering students outcomes: review of efficacy of science teachers,European Journal of Education Studies ISSN: 2501 – 1111 ISSN-L: 2501 – 1111 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.804052 Volume 3

│Issue 6 │2017


8. Polgampala A.S.V (2017)Triple Jump to the World of Work: New Dynamics for Higher Education integration Into Belt and Road in China & Sri Lanka



9  Belt & Road Higher Education Research(2016): Comparative Report978-7-5203-2514-1

10        Liu Jin, M. Osman BABURY, Sujeewa Polgampala Song Wenhong. Belt & Road Higher Education research (2016): Comparative Report[M]. 中国社会科学出版社,2018年4月

11 刘 进 闫晓敏 [斯里兰卡]李兰香 等. “一带一路” 沿线国家的高等教育现状与发展趋势研究(一)基于对以色列与阿富汗教育工作者的访谈[J]. 世界教育信息,2018(5):24-29

12刘 进 闫晓敏 [斯里兰卡]李兰香 等. “一带一路” 沿线国家的高等教育现状与发展趋势研究(二)基于对波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、越南、斯里兰卡教育工作者的访谈[J]. 世界教育信息,2018(6):24-28

13The measurement of performance towards the China’s ethnic minority education policy since reform and opening-up Yongtao Gan a,⇑, Sujeewa Polgampala b, Youran Tan c, Anli Yang c Science Direct /Elsevier


Indian Ocean Comparative Education Society 2nd Conference 2012-Thailand

One Belt & One Road Higher Education Conference 2016-Hinan, China

One Belt & One Road Higher Education Conference 2017-Hinan, China

Personal Details

Name : Aregamalage Sujeewa Vijayanthi Polgampala

Address : “Vijayanthi”, Pilankada,Udututhtiripitiya

Nationality : Sinhalese

Date of birth :12/04/1971

NIC NO : 716030318V

Gender : Female

Marital status : Married

Age : 48years

Current Work Place-


Siyane National College of Education,Paththalagedera,Sri Lanka

Preparing activities for high motivation of learners
Writing research papers
Reading journal articles
Exploring new places


2015/9/4 PhD at Huazhong University of Science & Technology


1995-2009 Teacher Educator/Lecturer at 25 YEARS AT Ministry of Education