Work Experince
Education Background
• Designing and upgrading the company website and meet all the inquiries made through the website.
• Evaluate the organization’s technology use and needs and initiate improvements e.g. hardware and software upgrades
• Keep the databases up to date that are used for managing the operations of the company
• Provide technical assistance on new concepts in IT (MIS)
• Enforcing software security measures by restricting access to authorized persons only.
• Assisting in the implementation of the company’s IT policies
• Carrying out an end user training.
• Complete all tasks related to refugee case processing as assigned by the unit Supervisor, ensuring adherence to RSC Standard Operating Procedures.
• Develop proficiency in WRAPS application and maintain complete and accurate records in WRAPS and physical file of all actions taken on a case
• Correspond with refugee applicants and partners as required to obtain additional information or respond to inquiries
• Scan and attach documents to WRAPS
• Conduct regular quality assurance checks to ensure cases are consistently and correctly updated, both electronically and in the physical file
• Assist with development of materials to improve understanding of program by refugee applicants and partners
• Any other duties as assigned by management
• Prepares routine and ad hoc CWS RSC Africa statistical reports as needed for various CWS RSC Africa staff and implementing partners e.g. US Embassy Refugee Coordinator, UNHCR, IOM and the Resettlement Agencies.
• Prepares and automates regular sectional quality control reports to ensure data accuracy and identify training needs.
• Prepares reports designed to track CWS RSC Africa case processing productivity for an overall improvement in efficiency.
• Carries out annual inter-departmental process review and recommends improvements in quality control.
• Updates automated and ad hoc reports in line with WRAPS database schema changes.
• Updates automated and ad hoc reports in line with Policy and Program changes.
• Works closely with IT to ensure that reports run in the most current software environment and in publishing QC reports in a user friendly interface.