Town Head Dist ● Frome P.O. ●Phone # 8768157813
Email daijon.specialist@gmail
Objective: to contribute and fully utalize my skill to productivity and growth to the organization as well as to costumer service
Experience: 2000 – 2002 JTL at Airport
Position: Baggage Handler/Tour Guide
Duties: meet and great the guess, load and unload their Luggage
Experience: 2003 – Present
Position: Taxi Operator
Duties: take passengers to and from their destinations safely
Education: Grangehill High school 97-99
St James High (formerly known as mobay secondary) 96-97
Albion High 94-96
Qualifications: CXC (SCEC)
Social studies
Machine shop & welding
Hobbies: Reading, Watching football, socializing, surfing the net and listening to music
Reference: Available upon request