
Farrukh Iqbal Instructor

CPRDrivingFirst aidMS OfficeRescueSAFETY OFFICER


I am certified Civil Defence Instructor and have 3 years experience I also have 2 year experience of truck driveling (Hino) in Pakistan. Now I want better job and better future so I am applying for this post please consider me for this job.

I have complete my master degree in linguistics and literature in 2015.

Certificate of General Instructor Course of Civil defence

Certificate of Rescue Services

Orientation Course Under Ministry Of Interior

3 Years Working Experience as an Instructor

Computer Diploma in Microsoft Office

if you provide me a chance to join your company I shall be very thankful to you for this act of kindness.



[email protected]


15 Sep 2013 / 30 Sep 2015 Master In English at National University Of Modern Languages Islamabad


28 Feb 2016 / 28 Dec 2019 Instructor at Civil Defence Training School Abbottabad Pakistan