
Fathi Basheir Ahmed Mohamed Mechanical maintenance engineer

40084008B4009BL (Bergen) of capacity 2100 kW and 2800 KW as main line pump drive4009BL 4012am familiar with all types of scheduleand Wartsila engine. B) Cummins Generator Model: 32DGBAcaterpillars and Cummins engines. • Various types and makes of air compressors. • Centrifugal separators. • Different types of pumps. • Weir Multi stagesengine type 2006 and 4012 of capacities 650kw & 3500kw.Engine type 4008 and 4008Bhorizontal split casing centrifugal pumps of capacities ranging from 580 to 1100 cubic meter per hourspreventive and proactive maintenance......etc. according to OEM and maintenance books for the following machine a) Allen Diesel engines type: 2006serial Number L91A002168 Engine Model: 4B3.9G Gen set.Wartsila

* B.Sc. in mechanical Engineer, Sudan university of science and technology, Date of         award July 1998.
* Basic and advance pipeline operation training program.
Enbridge technology, CANADA ,Year 1999
* Master degree in Project management, University of Salford –Manchester UK.16 May 2016.
* Certificate in ISO 9001:2015 lead Auditor (CQ1-IRCA Unique number 134648) ,September 26 /2018.

Positions Held:

Senior mechanical maintenance engineer.

Main Responsibilities:-

Develop and document operation and maintenance procedures for pump station and marine terminal facilities.
Develop and manage equipment maintenance budgets.
Support project management for complex facilities and tool install projects.
Responsible for continuous improvement of pump stations and marine terminal operation and maintenance programs.
Mentor and coach pump stations and marine terminal technicians and operators ,and provide them the require technical supports.
Ensure that the pipeline maintenance and operation efficiency and safety targets are met.
Drive any other project as needed by company executives or as business needs changes.


Types of equipments used on the pipeline:

·         Diesel generators Rolls Royce-Allen Diesel, engine type 2006 and 4012 of capacities 650kw & 3500kw.Engine type 4008 and 4008B, 4009BL (Bergen) of capacity 2100 kW and 2800 KW as main line pump drive, Wartsila ,caterpillars and Cummins engines.

·          Various types and makes of air compressors.

·         Centrifugal separators.

·         Different types of pumps.

·         Weir Multi stages, horizontal split casing centrifugal pumps of capacities ranging from 580 to 1100 cubic meter per hours, for the pumping of crude oil through the pipeline.
·         Tow Refineries off takes metering system
·         Water desalination units
·         Fire fitting station
According to my experience as Overhaul maintenance engineer and on my current position, am familiar with all types of schedule, preventive and proactive maintenance……etc.  according to OEM  and maintenance books for the following machine

a) Allen Diesel engines type: 2006, 4008, 4008B, 4009BL  4012 , and Wartsila engine.

B) Cummins Generator Model: 32DGBA, serial Number L91A002168 Engine Model: 4B3.9G Gen set.