
Friday Philemon Marketer

DistributormanagingmarketingQuick in solving Technical problem etc.

EYN LCC SabonGari
Mubi north local
Government area,
P.O Box 494,
Adamawa State.

The executive Director,

Dear Sir

Prior to your job advert on 10/May/2020, I Friday Philemon wish to apply for the subject above. I am graduate of Federal Polytechnic, Mubi.
I obtain my National Diploma in the year 2016. ( In-view) attach with this application is my CV and other essential document.
The nature of my Diploma course involves a great deal of independent research, requiring initiative, self-motivation and a wide range of skills. I am able to take on the responsibility of this position immediately, and have the enthusiasm and determination to ensure that I make a success of it.
I believe that my strong educational background and experience in (insert most recent experiences…), make an appropriate candidate for the advertised task. I strongly believe I can perform well all the delegated duties and tasks.
Experience gathered over the years has equipped me with the skills and knowledge to move my career forward, and therefore I would like to take up this responsibilities when given.

I do hope that my application will be granted a positive response Thank You.


2014-2016 National Diploma at Federal Polytechnic, Mubi
2018-2020 at Adamawa State University, Mubi


2014-2020 Business Center at Dedan Gideon
2011-2013 Bread Beckry Industry at Istifanu Adamu