[email protected]|Bais City Philippines, 6206
* Orders medicine supply for the pharmacy
* Encodes the medicine delivery record in the computer for input.
* Ensures proper inventory is done semi-monthly.
* Supervises the pharmacy technician and double checks the medicine dispensed
* Promotes patient counselling
* Process Daily time record (DTR) for salary semi-monthly
* Purchase Order the fast moving and in demand medicine supply fpr the pharmacy weekly.
* Input the Delivery receipt in the computer for punching of items.
* Recieves delivery and double check each box to ensure correct and accurate numbers or items ordered.
* Makes schedule for a harmonious working environment for a 5-person staff semi-monthly.
* Process Daily Time Record for salary release semi-monthly.
* Does Bp monitoring and Sugar monitoring.
* Ensures that the right medicine is given to the right customer and promotes patient counselling to ensure the right medicine is taken in the right time for the right ailment.