
Gil Brian maceda Gym instructor .and hotel maintenance


Personal data

Name .Gil Brian Maceda

Birth date may 23 1981

Age  36

Citizenship . Filipino

Sex male

Status merrige


To aquire a job  the best suit my capabilities and to work hard to learn more and share my knowledge to the cimpcom



St mutien Marie college


St mutien Marie college

Address .dau mabalacat City


Gym instructor

Duties responsibility

1 train hard  the client  how to get own goal body

2 losting fat program

3 body shape program

4 muscle Gain program

5body building program

Located to day mabalacat City

Chief electrical maintenance

Duties and responsibilities

1 installation of CCTV cinneconne

2 installation electrical  needed of hotel

3 maintaining . electrical of perimeter of hotel

4 maintianing telephone and installation

5 maintaining. Generator and installation the operating system

6 maintianing data and Internet connection

7 maintianing the sound and lighting  at the function hall

8 handling all project renovation  regarding all system electrical installation