
irma zerda registered nurse

ACLSBLStelemetry.ECG interpret


Mobile 09569210577

Registered  Midwife,Registered Nurse.

Work Experience

Quezon City Gen.Hosp.


July 3,2017 – up to present

Internal Med.

Assessment of pt.head to toe

Rounds with the doctors and carrying out orders.

V/S,giving medications.

Preparing for procedures such ultrasound,xray and other blood works.

Assist intubation,do BLS and ACLS

Checking of crash cart,supplies and equipments.

Attend needs with cardiac problems such as rheumatic heart disease,CHD,stroke pt.pulmonary problem such as COPD,PTB,Bronchial asthma,with tracheostomy,with mech.vent.Gastro prob.Leptospirosis,Dengue,


Oct 4,2017up to Nov.30

Corporate nurse

Taking vital signs

Taking history

Assist Dr.during examination

Carrying doctors prder

Giving first aide when wounded

Giving medications.

Verifying sick leave forms.

Prince Sultan Cardiac Ctr.

Jan.3 -Dec.31

Nurse 2

Orienting new nurse.

Act as chargrnurse in the absence of Chargenurse

Taking vital signs

Giving medications

Assist and update Drs.during rounds. and carrying otders

Do BLS and ACLS as needed

Taking care of pt.with cardiac problems such as CHF,with Temporary pacemaker,PPM post cardiac catheterisation (radial or femural).post CABG

Phil.Heart Ctr.

Jan.4,2003 – Dec 2004


Assist,update and carried out Drs. order.

orienting new nurses.