Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) (June 2010 up to date)
Project Engineer for Energy Auditing and Accounting in the distribution network
Work on Primary Substations Meter Installations
Work on Current and Potential Transformers in a 33/11kV 25MVA Substations
Shorting of Current Transformers in a Substation Switchgears
Project Coordinator Automatic Remote Meter Reading Project
Vetting and analyzing of LV/MV/HV metering Installations
Testing and commissioning of LV and HV Meter installations and networks
Testing and Programming of Energy Meters in the Laboratory
Testing and Calibration of Energy Meters at Bulk Supply Points
Interpretation, analyzing and implementations of project designs
Testing Current and Potential Transformers on site
Troubleshooting and Rectification of anomalies in LV/MV/HV metering installations
Testing of Energy Meters in the meter laboratory
Field Testing of Energy Meters with Energy Analysers
Preparing Annual Budget for system metering projects