
Jagdish Prasad Gautam Human resource manager

annual appraislhealth & safetyHRDrecruitmentTraining


Personal Details

ADDRESS: Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN) Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
EMAIL: [email protected]
TELEPHONE: +9771 5010240/5010104, +977 9851121210 (mobile)
AGE: 56 Years

University Year Obtained Qualification

Vikram University Ujjain, India 1983-1985 Master in Business Administration (MBA)

Vikram University Ujjain, India 1980-1983 Bachelor in Commerce
The University of Manchester, UK 2003-2004 MSc in Human Resource Management


Course Period Institute

Health Planning and Health Services Policy and Decentralised Management- People & Resources 5 Months Nuffield Institute for Health, Leeds University, UK
HR Data Management 1 Month National Trust for Nature Conservation, Kathmandu, Nepal
Organisation Development 1 week National Trust for Nature Conservation, Kathmandu, Nepal
Project Planning and Management 2 Weeks International Union Against Tuberculosis & Lung Diseases, Bangkok, Thailand


Post: Director- Human Resources
Date: January 2019 (currently working)
Organisation: Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN), Kathmandu, Nepal
Major Responsibilities:

• To design and deliver OD and change management strategies, processes and interventions that
support the FPAN’s office’s ambition to be a high performing one; to include initiatives which foster a
high-performance culture, where valuing learning, continuous improvement and diversity.
• Work with Directors and to ensure that the performance management procedure is systematized and all staff inducted on it and
following it.
• Manage all functions led by the Human Resources Department and its Staff with direct responsibility to complete tasks related with Organizational Development (organisation restructuring), finalisation of HR Manual with recommendation of compensation and benefits.
• Finalisation of policy related with Performance and Career Management, HR Information Systems, Payroll.
• Work closely with the SMT and Senior Managers to ensure effective talent management mechanisms are in place and actively support activities that optimizes talent.
• Propose amendments to human resources policies and procedures and manage the implementation of these, with the aim of attracting, developing, protecting, motivating and retaining excellent staff.
• Ensure ethical practices are applied within the HR Department, consistent with the FPAN strategy and values.
• Prepare and present human resources strategies and reports to the Executive Committee, Management Committee, Board of Trustees and/or other stakeholders.

Post: Head of Human Resources and Admin
Date: 20 July 2015- December 2018
Organisation: Rural Access Programme 3 (RAP3), DFID funded, Kathmandu
Major Responsibilities:
• Organize recruitment which including announcements, selection of candidates, and interviews and also contribute for arrange induction programme for newly recruited staff;
• Promote management excellence in the office by ensuring accountability in HR and by demonstrating a high level of skills in the management of staff resources including staff selection (based on merit and the needs of the organization), staff counselling, systematic and equitable performance management, and staff development and learning activities;
• Provides advice and coaching to managers and staff on HR policies and procedures, including those related to poor performance, misconduct and formal grievances;
• Oversee a full training needs analysis and monitor the effectiveness of staff development and capacity building activities;
• Ensures that the performance management system and associated documentation is effectively communicated and well understood by all staff;
• Effectively manage human and financial resources (budget planning, management and monitoring) of the office and ensure both are optimally utilized;
• Develop guidelines and plans for implementing short- and long-term strategies and determine alternative directions for HRD;
• Ensure a complete orientation/ induction package is in place and that all staff are oriented on time.

Post: Programme Management Unit (PMU) Coordinator/ Section Head -The Global Fund
Date: February 2009- 15 July 2015
Organisation: National Tuberculosis Centre (NTC) -Thimi, Kathmandu, Nepal
Major Responsibilities:

• Provides a thorough internal and external HR analysis to support strategic planning processes;
• Establish and implement results-oriented action plans and sound budgets to coordinate targeted recruitment efforts with identified need at NTC in the short, intermediate and long-term;
• Supports management on workforce planning for current and future needs and the definition of roles within budget to ensure the delivery of agreed strategies and individual projects;
• Maintain effective and steady communication or working relations with The Global Fund to seek harmonization. Support common strategies and approaches for enhancement of the HR reform within the organisation system;
• Support NTC Director and/ or line managers to compliance of HR policies and guidelines with NTC and The Global Fund policies and guidelines;
• Developing and implementing policies on issues such as working conditions, performance management, equal opportunities, disciplinary procedures and absence management;
• Ensures planning, monitoring, and appraisal of employee work results by training managers to coach and discipline employees; scheduling management conferences with employees; hearing & resolving employee grievances; counselling employees and supervisors.

Post: Human Resource and Administration Manager
Date: December 2005 – February 2009
Organisation: National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC), Kathmandu, Nepal
Major Responsibilities:
• Oversee the coordination and development of financial, human resources, operations and organisational management manuals;
• Carry out performance appraisal of senior management team and develop capacity building plans for all staff;
• Contributing to the development of HR strategy and ensuring and supporting operational planning and implementation;
• Overall authority to verify and recommend all the training related expenditure before final approval by the NTNC EO;
• Assist EO in developing annual plan for trainings in collaboration with Programme Directors;
• To develop employment relationship by providing correct interpretation of HR policy and practice in the areas of policy, performance management, disciplinary, grievance and reward;
• Provides advice and assistance to senior management team in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of modifications to existing operations, systems, and procedures;
• Prepare HR policies and procedures to promote best human resource practices across the organisation and advising Project Director/Programme Managers and Officers in formulation and change of human resource policies;

Post: Senior Administrative Officer
Date: July 1999- November 2005
Organisation: International Nepal Fellowship (INF), Nepalgunj, Nepal
Major Responsibilities:
• Take the leading role in the formulation and execution on INF policies and strategies in the core areas of programme and operations, finance, resource mobilisation, human resource management and advocacy;
• Organize resource mobilisation and fundraising policies, strategy and plans in conjunction with the Senior Management Team;
• Overall responsible in establishing and maintaining essential financial recording, HR management and reporting systems for operations according to the Programme Implementation Manual;
• Prepare financial reports in line with donor reporting requirements which include European Union (EURO 1,922,000), World Health Organization (WHO) & Department for International Development, UK (£ 1,261,000);
• Co-ordinate all internal and external audits, ensuring accounts and financial records are properly maintained and available for scrutiny;
• Maintain financial performance records and provide periodic reports to Finance Director on the status of budget implementation, use of funds and projection of resource needs;
• Regular monitoring and supervision of field offices in this region and provide inputs on programme and finance related matter.

Post: Finance and Logistics Officer
Date: March 1992- June 1999
Organisation: International Nepal Fellowship (INF), Surkhet/ Nepalgunj, Nepal
Major Responsibilities:
• Monitoring and development of the financial management of all INF projects and programmes in the region, including in relation to work plan & budgets;
• Manage organisation’s resources within budget guidelines and oversee financial reporting, grant management and treasury functions according to current laws and regulations;
• Oversee the appropriate disbursements of funds and payments of accounts in accordance with rules, regulations and established budgetary limits;
• Provide direction to Finance Officer on installation of a computerized accounting system. The system should be capable of capturing programme expenditure by category, component and activity;
• Monitor funds absorption rate through analysis of quarterly financial reporting from various field offices based in Mid-Western of Nepal;
• Prepare periodic financial reports for the various grants in consultation with Programme Managers and Finance Controller;
• Manage and monitor overall expenditure on the Project, including authorization of payments, and monthly fund projections to Head Office.

James Walton
Regional Manager Worldwide
IMC Worldwide, 64-68 London Road Redhill, Surrey RH1 1LG, London, UK
Phone: +44 (0)1737 231400
[email protected]
Dr. Neil Hamlet
Medical Consultant
Public Health Medicine (CPHM), Fife NHS Board, Scotland,UK
Phone +44 01786 475 171
[email protected]
Dr. Siddhartha Bajrcharya
Programme Director
National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC), Nepal
Phone: +977 1 5526571
[email protected]


2003/2004 MSc in Human Resource Management at The University of Manchester,UK


December 2019 Director Human Resource at FPAN

15 years expereince in HR management