Nationality: Zambian
Birth date: 16th June, 1989
Gender: Male
Marital status: Single
Address: P.O Box 410156
Mobile number: +260966535340/0974743624
Email address: [email protected]
Acquired: full school leaver certificate: January 2005 – December 2007
Chikola secondary school
P.O Box 11203
Acquired: diploma in environmental health January 2011 – december2013
Evelyn hone college of applied Arts and commerce management
P.O Box 30029,
Church road
Disaster management and epidermic preparedness
Food safety
Meat inspection and Zoonosis
Water quality management
Solid waste management
Inspection of premises and reports
Public health administration and management
Environmental epidemiology
Environmental pollution and control
Occupational health and safety
Pestology and toxicology
Health management and information system
Building science and technology
Community health (health promotion and primary health care)
Financial management health services
Port health and disinfection
Maternal child health
Nutritional surveillance
Town and country planning
Family planning
Medical entomology
Information technology
Communication skills
HIV/AIDS prevention, counseling and testing
Malaria control program.
Environmental Health Technologist January 2015-present
Conduct solid and medical waste management at the health facility.
Conduct active disease surveillance at the facility.
Conduct infection prevention activities in all departments at the facility.
Process instruments, gloves and other items after use by first decontaminating and thoroughly cleaning and then either sterilizing or highly – level disinfecting them using recommended procedures.
Conduct Inspection of premises within the catchment area of the health facility.
Conduct food safety for premises handling food meant for human consumption.
Conduct Water quality management for water meant for drinking.
Conduct community sanitation within the catchment.
Conduct meat inspection in butcheries.
Conduct health education and behavioral change and communication in schools and other public places.
Conduct health promotion in public places and local radio talk show.
Seasonal Supervisor October 2016 – December 2016 and October 2017 – January 2018
Africa Indoor Residue Spraying
Conducted management of chemicals both in the field and at the indoor residue spray base so as to avoid environmental pollution.
Supervised, guided and ensured that the work personnel handling chemicals in the field practices proper led down procedure of handling chemicals so that the environment in the community is not polluted so as to achieve environmental compliance.
Ensured that every personnel handling chemicals is as well protected.
Ensured proper disposal of waste such empty bottles of chemicals, respirators, waste water generated out of washing protecting clothing/bathing is properly handled and disposed of without polluting the environment.
ITN Management Supervisor August 2017 – November 2017
Program Advancement for Malaria Outcome (PAMO)
Supervised, guided and ensured that the ITNs are distributed to the rightful end user so as to save the intended purpose of malaria prevention.
Monitoring the use of ITNs in households and sleeping places for sustainability of intended purpose of malaria prevention.
Close monitoring as to prevent misuse of ITNs in activities such fishing, garden fencing, etc.
WASH technocrat January 2015 –present
SNV Netherland Development Organization
World vision Zambia
Kasama Municipal Council
Conduct sanitation programs in partnership with Kasama municipal council, SNV Netherland Development Organization and World Vision Zambia.
Conduct water development programs in partnership with Kasama municipal council, SNV Netherland Development Organization and World Vision Zambia.
Conduct environmental protection programs in partnership with Kasama municipal council.
Health inspector (internship) October 2013 – December 2013
Kalomo municipal council
Kalomo district
Participated in six management functional elements of solid waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. These
Participated in sorting, shredding and separating of solid waste material to reduce volume of waste generated, alter physical form, recover usable material and help direct the waste to appropriate destinations for possible recycling.
Participated in the monitoring, collection, handling, transportation and safe disposal of solid waste.
Conducted meat inspection in an abattoir and butcheries
Health inspector (internship) June 2013 – august 2013
Livingstone city council
Livingstone city
Participated in six management functional elements of solid waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. These
Participated in sorting, shredding and separating of solid waste material to reduce volume of waste generated, alter physical form, recover usable material and help direct the waste to appropriate destinations for possible recycling.
Participated in the monitoring, collection, handling, transportation and safe disposal of solid waste.
Prepared and transcribed legal documents including death certificate, building plans, burial certificate, etc.
Carried out duties as a port health officer on cross border point.
Carried out inspection of premises of both public and private places.
Participated in town and country planning of upgrading unplanned settlements into planed settlement.
Composed, prepared, transcribed and presented reports to the supervisors.
Health inspector (internship) June 2012 – august 2012
Kalomo General Hospital
Kalomo district
Participated in six management functional elements of solid waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. These
Participated in sorting, shredding and separating of solid waste material to reduce volume of waste generated, alter physical form, recover usable material and help direct the waste to appropriate destinations for possible recycling.
Participated in the monitoring, collection, handling, transportation and safe disposal of solid waste.
Conducted HIV/AIDS, STI counseling and testing program at the hospital, health centers and schools.
Participated in promotion of good nutritional health behavioral and personal hygiene in schools.
Participated in the certification and creation of building plans and sorting out conflicting land use.
Environmental health officer (internship) October 2011 – December 2011
Mwachisompola community health training center
Held community health meetings with different communities on issues concerning health living in the community
Participated in promotion of safe birth delivery at health facilities.
Participated in conducting under five child immunization program.
Participated in malaria prevention activities such as distribution of ITNs and indoor residue spraying.
Conducted the promotion of family planning.
Advocated for health needs.
Composed, prepared, transcribed and presented the group work to the supervisor.
Mr. MorganSanka
Position: Chief Environmental Health Officer
Current work place: Ministry of Health, Provincial Health Office, Northern Province.
Phone: +260971569817
E-mail: [email protected]
Miss. Wamunyima Lifumbo
Position: Behavioral Change and Communication Officer/WASH coordinator
Current work place: SNV Netherlands Development organization, Northern Province, Kasama head office
Phone: +260965844876
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr. Dickson Mbewe
Position: WASH coordinator
Current work place: World Vision Zambia, Northern Province, Kasama Head Office
Phone: +260973504228
E-mail: [email protected]